Jun 21, 2008 17:03
Well, following in my brother's footsteps (nothing new there), I haven't posted in a really long time. SO! A brief update:
1) Finished the junior year of my FHS program. If all goes according to plan, I will be done by the end of fall term this year.
2) My theater (the Rep) closed its' doors for good after our last show in April; currently I'm working on Brigadoon at the Shedd Institute for the Arts this summer--after that it's no more theater for Amy for a good long while!
3) I will be moving to Portland next March with my best friend from school, Kassi, and her two small children. Cuz I'm nuts. But for those of you in the greater Portland area, yay!!
4) My raccoons are now living on a reserve in Redmond; they will be released into the wild next March (I think).
Other than that....day to day is what I do.