It's been about a month since I started at Apple.
At work, I feel like I'm finally getting up to speed. This past week I suddenly became a productive member of the team and began producing output the same way everyone else is. I sort of know my way around the code. Relationships with coworkers are great... some of the most amicable I've ever come across. The work is just about 100% coding, which is great... much better than my last job, where I used to roam the halls asking anyone I could find for something, anything, to do.
I can't tell if the team's work hours are excessive. I know that my work hours are excessive, but that's because
morganie is arriving next week so I've been trying to get as ahead as possible so I can have more time with her. It's also because the time without her has been a lonely, boring, empty existence, and so it's nice to fill up my hours with filling up my mind with preoccupying thoughts of work.
So this all brings me to: Was it worth it? Everyone keeps asking if the switch was worth it. Well, of course, it's hard to tell until I get a grasp on what I've given up to move. Here's what I can say: It's what I expected. I expected a job that would be fun, interesting, and full of the geekiest technologies and the geekiest people. And that's what I got. On technical matters, I've learned more on the job in the past month than I did on the job in the prior three-and-a-half years since graduating college. (Oh, speaking of which... I finished my Master's degree last month. Woot.)
And I've started collecting the paperwork to sue my apartment complex... Y'see,
they advertized that the apartments feature high-speed Internet access, and then I go and move in and they tell me I have to order it and pay for it myself. Everywhere else I've ever seen, when someone says a place features Internet access, it means that it comes with Internet access. I think the judge may agree, and after all, it's only $30 to sue them... gotta love California. So I'm gonna sue them for the cost of the Internet access they promised.