the first snowfall of winter in New York City

Dec 20, 2008 02:20

i'm sitting here in my apartment in Queens, New York, listening to the ice sprinkle down along the metal of the frosty window, while I sip my mug of  steaming chocolate-y, coffee. Times like this I'm so glad to be alive. Even if I do live in a not-so-nice part of the city, and the sound of the trains rumbling across the overpass subdues my tinkling ice tune, I am still glad that my heart is beating. The bass line to my snowflake song.

i have a job. i despise this roommate and his loud, obnoxious girlfriend. her laugh screeches in my ears like metal nails on a dull chalkboard  x 100.
they have no respect for privacy, or people who have to wake up at 4am for work.

I like New York City. I hate this side of Queens. I need a job that pays more. I need a job in Manhattan.

These things will come with time. I know this, even though I am learning to practice patience with the utmost resentment.
Although I am anxious for my life to begin, I often forget that these things are just another step in the adventure.

I want to envision the future. I cannot even begin to fathom what my life will be like a year from now let alone 6 months from now.

We shall see.
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