Super Size PSP...

Jul 20, 2005 01:15

So I was watching that new TV documentary 30 days, which is great by the way. It is made by that guy who did the Super Size Me doc. Anyways after seeing a preview for it I thought hmmm I haven't had a big mac in awhile sounds good which is odd because I really don't eat McDonalds very often.

So my mom stopped on her way home and got me one, the "value" meal. Anyways I ate it and all was well, then I read the back of the fry box that I could win something if I typed in the code from the box on the net. I was like yeah sure whatever but I still ripped it out and kept it.

So today I get on the net and after awhile I remember about the code thing. I get the code and go to the website then type it in. It then says you can start jumping up and down now, because you just won a PSP. WTF? I was like yeah right, so I entered my info and they sent me an e-mail about eight pages long telling me what to send and how to do it. I have to initial everything and sign away my soul to get it, which I will do. So now I just have to send it and wait about six weeks or so to get it. I like McDonald's much more now. I'm still kind of skeptical but we will see.

Basically I could have just said I won a PSP but I like to drag things out and add useless info.

It's funny cause I really wanted to buy one for my birthday but I gambled the money instead and lost my ass off, ha.

My poor Grandmother fell again today, she just got back from a rehabilitation center three days ago. She hit her head hard and luckily she didn't get hurt too bad. She had to go to emergency and so my mohter and I went. I feel so bad for her, it makes me scared of getting old. I think I want to die before I get too old, or to the point where I can't realy take care of myself. I hope she stays safe, she says it's her time to go but I don't think so. But yeah it will be hard when it happens.

I never posted pics from my 21st birthday. Here are some of the room. That was the best room/suite I have ever seen. It was freakin awesome.




View from the freakin bathroom

Nephew checkin out the pool

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