May 24, 2011 20:35
The title of this post is a parody of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles. How clever I am!!
Making my costume in a rush has been going well for the most part. It's not the best and some parts are very noobish but I expected that for my first time. The hardest bit was sewing the white ribbon, as it was very thick and I obviously wasn't using the right needle or something as my fingers hurt like crazy.
That was until today, when I came close to having a psychological meltdown.
The sailor collar was finished and I was feeling good about myself. All that was left was to attatch it to the shirt. How could that be, I thought. It was a little difficult sewing it on and I got a bit frustrated, but after a few hours I had managed it. I put it on to test it out, and that's where things went bad. I couldn't fit it over my head!! I heard the dreadful sound of my carefully laid stitches ripping.
My initial instict when something goes wrong is to become hopelessly depressed and assume all is lost forever. I thought all my hours of hard work had been wasted. The stress of the incident upon the many other stresses in my life right now became too much. I got a horrible headache and went into near meltdown.
I went to check the internet, which is probably what I should've done before I started sewing. I perked up when I found a great tip - use snap fasteners, the metal things that are on coats and jackets. I was saved! But I still yelled at my computer when it acted weird so maybe my stress wasn't all gone.
I decided to unwind with a yummy bagel then go out to the nearest craft shop for some fasteners. The walk was nice and took away my headache. And success! The shop had fasteners! And it was the last pack there! And they were very cheap!
I wore the shoes I plan on wearing with the outfit in order to break them in before saturday. It's a good thing I did, as they rubbed against the back of my foot and made it bleed. And the blood went through my sock and onto the shoe! Luckily it's only on the inside. A bit of blood on her clothes might actually suit Tokiko's character...
I had to undo all the stitches, destroying a whole morning's worth of work. But I guess that's how you learn things. I didn't actually know at first how to attatch the fasteners to the fabric. I tried stitches but they were too weak. I tried these glue dot things I have but they were crap. I settled for multi-purpose superglue, the some stuff I used when I broke the hand off my Arthur figure, and it worked!
So now the collar is detatchable. I slip on the shirt then clip on the collar and hopefully it will hold for a whole day. Just a few final touches and some tidying up and the outfit will be finished!!
I'm glad, my life is still pretty hectic. I'm not used to having so many things to do at once!! On top of chores and job searching, I have to get ready for the expo, go to the health centre, apply for an internship and get ready for Joonas coming over. I'm quitting my volunteer job at the Oxfam shop since I got offered a different volunteer job at an art museum. Quite frankly, that suits me right better! Nothing against people who work in retail, but it really doesn't suit me very well. And Oxfam always has people who want to volunteer so I'm not leaving them in the lurch.
mcm expo may 2011,