Well that was random

May 21, 2005 03:42

Today (or rather yesterday) was odd. Odd with a capital 'O'. Despite being now free from exams and work and stuff, next to no writing has been done. A brief bit of Regina and then... zilch. So yesterday morning was instead spent sorting files on Sam, making jelly (more on that later), tidying up, sleeping and sorting out lecture notes.

Hair (now lovely and BLACK!) was forcibly straightened before Becs and I met Laura for our trip to the cinema. Tim, Simon, Kev and Klara joined us for watching of Star Wars III. In brief, over-hyped and under-written. George Lucas should not be allowed to write dialogue especcially of the romantic variety. Just, no. Even I can do better and I know that romance is not my area of expertise (don't ask me what is, I just know that cute and sappy usually evades me). Explosions and battles were shiny, lightsaber duels were mostly well-done although one or two could have been made more. Darth Vader's first steps made him look like Frankenstein's Monster (I'm sorry but they really, really did) and what was with the 'Noooooooooooo!' Argh. Made me want to spork things. Becci and I bitched at odd moments, I tried not to laugh when the rest of the cinema was silent but it wasn't always easy to suppress it because some bits were so cheesy. Christopher Lee was appallingly under-used. Yoda kicked butt and was a far better 'actor' than the rest of the cast put together. Ewan McGregor was hampered by his RP accent and the awful lines. Natalie Portman should have been so much better, as should Hayden Christensen (who I've seen do better in other films). What is it about Star Wars that makes actors lose all their talent? Is it the direction, the editing, the wigs, what? Bah. Anakin did nothing but brood. Ian McDiarmid was really good until his face melted and then I could just not take him seriously. I tried, really, but no. The links between the film and the original trilogy were rammed down your throat so much it was ridiculous. A little bit of symbolism would have been fine, like in the beginning part - Anakin fighting Dooku in front of Palpatine who is sitting a chair very similar to the one he has on the Death Star but the main difference is that now his hands are bound. And Palpatine's little reaction shots to the fight - great. Oh and the music was shiny too.

I'm not a big Star Wars fan generally, but really the film did not live up to the hype. And please, 'younglings'? Makes them sound like livestock, they're CHILDREN for crying out loud, use the proper word. Padawan is a title, but calling the poor brats 'younglings' is just plain daft.

And yes, I'm done. My opinion? Could have been worse, could have been a hell of a lot better. Superior to 1 and 2 but nothing compared to 4, 5 and 6. Thank goodness its all over now.

Following this we traipsed to Wetherspoons (Laura, Becs, Hat-girl Laura, Emma, Kev, Klara and myself). They ate proper food, I ate the rest of my semi-melted malteasers. We laughed, joked and teased each other as we do. Following Simon and Tim's brief appearance (sometime after Kev and Klara had gone) I had to extract my foot from my mouth - gah, I'm such a ditz at times... if anyone ever actually took my behaviour seriously I would be so mortified and yet I still can't learn to stay quiet. Oh well, it amuses Becci and that is my main aim in life, of course *bows*

More conversation was had. More sweets consumed. We walked hat-girl Laura to the cinema and then headed home. After a brief stop at the flat, Becci, Laura and I walked to Laura-bell's house where we lounged around and watched the last four episodes of Yami. Urgh, I was almost falling asleep at a couple of points - thankfully the sofa was pretty comfy and I could have it all to myself too! We (well, I) dragged ourselves up to Laura's room so that Becs could play DDR and then the conversation took a turn towards 'weird'. I love late-night conversations, I really, really do. Somehow it just feels more relaxed or something... I don't know. We covered relationships, friends, homophobia, sex, fics, sexuality, angst and a number of other topics until quarter to three when Laura drove us home. Apparently my maternal behaviour is nurturing and very rarely irritating. This is something of a relief cos I do wonder sometimes if it pisses people off! But then I wonder that about most of my behaviour and its not like I can drastically change any of it. Talking about stuff like relationships is always interesting, it doesn't really matter who it is I'm discussing it with but you always find out odd little things about people. Nothing major, just quirks or... I don't know, I guess I just find other people very interesting. I like people (not en masse though), I like figuring out why people do things and not others, what makes them tick. I know I'll never understand half of it, but I like it all the same. Everyone, absolutely everyone, is complicated and unique and its bizarrely fascinating. Yup, love it. Guess its why I enjoyed A Level Psychology so much... and writing, it really lets you get under someone's skin and dig around, poke emotions and pull things apart...

And now I'm eating the jelly I made earlier while typing this up. Its just gone four in the morning and I'm kind of awake but... not. I really need to go to bed and get some sleep, if only for a few hours. Becci and I intend to go into twon tomorrow for some bits and pieces for the picnic (now set for Sunday at 3pm) and so I'll need to be awake for that, although judging by what she said as she disappeared into her room it won't before mid-afternoon.

*brandishes spoonful of jelly* And I hate it when people think they have me figured out. Hmmm... bizarre double standard methinks. *swallows jelly* or maybe not, hey at least I know I'll never completely figure my friends out, I just enjoy the challenge of understanding a bit of them!

*takes another spoonful of jelly* And have been doing much random thinking about relationships, but I won't bore you all with the details. Well, not now.

And no one's commented on the most recent parts of 'Re-education' *ego slinks away and hides under bed* Bah. I'm going to bed.

me, las, muses, flat, introspection

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