Yay, off to Liverpool tomorrow! Graduation is on Wednesday at 10:30am after which I will officially be a graduate and will no doubt have many pictures of myself and the others looking silly in our robes and mortar boards ^^;; Speaking of pictures, my sister’s been kind of busy drawing for me ever since I got back last month. I’m feeling stupidly proud of her at the moment because her tutors at college have confirmed that she’s definitely got a distinction in her course! ^_____^ She’s off to university in September to study Graphic Design and the place looks pretty nice (we went there a couple of weeks ago to have a nose round).
Kime is too cute, Ion has no willpower and Yatr smirks way too much ^__^
And lookie, she made an icon of it! Now I need to find space so I can use it!
Regina at Christmas, based on a fic I wrote about the muses back in December (I’m too lazy to go back and find, just try the ‘writing’ tag and go back to December 2005)
And Valentines (again based on a fic)
Entirely Squirtle’s idea (and Kime’s)
Four muses + snow = trouble
Again based on a short fic I wrote which was inspired by a typo on
dazhrak’s part (basically she called Ion, who is blond, Yatr). So from pic to fic to pic (just try saying that ten times very fast with a mouthful of tea)
And lastly, this has nothing to do with the muses but I couldn’t resist including it because Squirtle’s figured out how to make animated icons...
In other news, Saturday was my friend Sarah Bagwell’s wedding (well, she was a Bagwell, now she’s Mrs Sarah Vicary... feels kind of odd to think that...). She looked absolutely beautiful, Ric’s a very lucky guy ^___^ and today the invitation to her brother’s wedding arrived! Andy’s five months younger than I am so it’s really, really weird to think of him getting married (that wedding’s not till September though, gives me plenty of time to find something to wear I guess).
What else has been happening? Erm... actually that’s about it... it’s way too hot at the moment (what happened to the typical British summers of rain, rain and more rain?), the garage is slowly filling up with boxes and everyone’s very stressed (I keep saying that, don’t I? Oh well, it’s still true ><).