#1311 - Pseudonaja nuchalis - Gwardar

Oct 20, 2018 17:24

AKA Western Brown Snake. Found on a path at the Wellard Wetlands, where I nearly stepped on her. ‘Gwardar’ apparently means “Go the long way around”, which is good advice when you encounter a gwardar. Staggeringly venomous, like many of her relatives, but shy and mostly inclined to try and scare you off by rearing up with neck flattened, a lunge or two, then taking off in the other direction at speed.

Getting bitten, then refusing antivenene treatment, is a good way to die, so it’s lucky I didn’t tread on her - and that the small kid running up and down the path a minute before hadn’t either.

Found across most of the continent, where ‘Western’ apparently means ‘everywhere that isn’t the eastern coastline or the southeast corner’. Comes in over a dozen seasonal and regional colour forms, often with dark bands that show very faintly on this juvenile.

Alcoa Wellard Wetlands, Perth

blobs with bones in, reptile, education even if you don't want it

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