Sep 05, 2004 13:02
well, i just got back from church which was really cool. i've never really been a "churchy" person mainly because of all the formalities that it brings...but i definitely love hearing a good bible-based sermon. this church was real laid back and i actually really liked the worship songs and their band, i mean lets just say that there were even guitar solos in the songs, awesome! but the message was right on, especially for me right now. but i'm basically just trying to soak up as much bible as i can right now and trying to get down with some christian kids my age, hopefully meet some new ones.
i think i'm gonna go to wally world now to get some new shelves and to check out some stuff that might be sweet in the new apartment. i'm so stoked on getting one of those mini basketball hoops to set up in the main "family room" because that room is freakin' gigantor massive. i'm hoping rodrigo and i can scoop up some couches to fat out on and i think he even said that he was gonna buy a new tv soon to put out there for some serious chill. any donations are always accepted, plus you'd automatically be always welcome over, haha.
i got my room set up a little bit, i still have a lot of boxes to unpack but i'm gonna have to figure out what i want to do with it. plus my room has these huge sliding closet doors that take up a whole wall and they haven't come in yet so my closet is just all in the open right now, looks pretty lame. i think the closet doors are actually mirrors, which will probably freak me out because i'll be walking by and think somebody else is in my room every single time, no matter how long i live there. i'll be puttin' up my dukes ready to throw down but then i'll be like "oh you silly drew, its just you!" then say "you sexy devil you, rawr!"
i think a bunch of us should get together and hit up a sweet pool hall soon. i'm always up for playing pool (even if i do suck) and there's beer for those who drink, soda for those who don't...and a jukebox with rock and rap so everybody's happy. AND poolhalls are open late so everyone can come out. sweet, lets do it.
"I'll just fake it in the end just save it for a new song and leave dead in the end time is wasted in the end wood paneled wagon carpool dragons killing me again"--dillinger escape plan