As ship blog...and this will be a cross-fandom blog (SG1 and SGA)
I will never, for the life of me, figure out why writers for sci fi suck so badly at writing ships!
I ship Sam and Jack....I just can't help myself. I usually try not to ship the ship I'm told to ship but in this case I just couldn't help it. They're just too cute together...and AT and RDA did a great job playing off each other, always keeping it so subtle. But from time to time I wanna kick myself, because I shipped the impossible ship, the ship that would never die OR be resolved. I'd like to think that the little moment Sam has in the ship's cargo hold in Continuum, and Cam's words to her, mean that they FINALLY got it together and had a super sekrit marriage...but I can't really be sure. And I can't help it, I need that concrete evidence...that "Yes they're married" slap in the face moment. I'm not holding my breath though.
I also shipped Daniel and Janet. They're just cute together...and she's spunky enough to keep him from being too serious. I had heard or read somewhere that TR and MS had heard about how the fans were shipping them, so when the opportunity would present itself in their scenes together, they'd put some little shippy body language things in (like standing to close, her touching his hand, little things like that). I LOVE that!!! The writers would never give it to us, but TR and MS did! :D I was heartbroken when she died....
Then I shipped Daniel and Vala (again, doing what I was told, what's wrong with me!?). I just felt that Vala was just what Daniel needed...and he was the same for her. She needed stablitiy...someone to just love her for her, and Daniel was more than capable of doing that. And again, like Janet, Vala is nothing but spunk....just what he needs.
Obviously, I ship Sparky. And like I said before, I never meant to. It just happened..going back and watching from the beginning, I can't help but wonder how I missed it the first time's just so obviously there! And sometimes I wanna kick the writers for not doing more with it...and other times I'm kinda glad they didn't because my heart breaks so much for how it turned out in the end as it is (and I haven't even seen it yet...I'm seriously gonna need someone to hold my hand and give me moral support when I finally do). And as great as AT and RDA played against each other, they couldn't hold a candle to TH and JF...not even close! They just exude flirty shippy fun...I don't think they can even help themselves (and believe me, I'm not complaining!)
I kinda sorta ship Teyla and Ronon...although I could honestly go either way with that. Sometimes I ship them, other times I see their relationship as more like the relationship I saw between Sam and Daniel (more like bro/sis or good friends than romantic). Sometimes I ship Teyla with Carson..not that I really ever saw any real evidence on screen of a ship between them, I think I just like the idea of them....
But of course, the writers screwed all of these up...someone somewhere believes that sci fi fans don't want to actually see the ships....Um...they're wrong. I don't know about anyone else but I love love love to see the ships...the actual, honest-to-God, yes they got together (and kissed without any alien influence) shippiness....
I'm a girl...and a hopeless romantic...and lots of girls like me watch sci fi. We all squeed with glee when Mulder finally kissed's who we are. And that's why it's so disappointing and frustrating that every 'romantic' shippy moment Stargate ptb gave us weren't even really real shippy moments.
Sam goes after Jack when she's infected with some alien thing....Jack kisses Sam in a time loop (which, on some level, kinda wigs me out, because it's really not cool to kiss someone when you know they won't remember it, even if they DO kiss you back....)....Sam hallucinates kissing Jack when she has a concussion and is trapped on a space ship....a great kiss with explosions in "Mobeius" but it's not the real them, it's the alternate timeline them; we get a few good hugs from them, but never anything more that's real, honest and simply them.
At least Daniel and Vala have their time in "Unending"....but then of course they don't get to remember it....grrrr
Phoebus and Thalen have a great kiss...and I did squee a bit...but it lost it's luster when I remembered that it wasn't really John and Elizabeth doing the kissing. It was a bit disappointing...even if Pheobus used what knowledge she got from Elizabeth to determine that John was the one she wanted and would be the most likely to affect....There's all the great eye!sex, all the great invasions of personal space...but it just isn't enough. We get one good, real honest 'them' moment when she hugs him in "The Siege III" (and yep, I squeed like mad, believe me)....and then that's it...
And, while I don't ship Teyla and John, we are given one supposedly shippy moment with them that's totally made of fail...what is it with the writers and their obsession with the alien-influenced kisses?! Can't we just get ONE moment of real, true, honest emotion!? I mean really!?
Sometimes I think women should write sci fic....