Oct 07, 2003 02:20
i so rarely post in here especially when not in an extreme mood, either happy or sad, but today im average and deciding to post just like everyone else does, im would like to tell you that im making this a habit, but then you might hold me to that and i probly wont so today, slept till 2pm, nice, woke up, sat around till 4, went and watched the waterboy in the clark lobby, went to walmart with jillian, then to will and eds for wills birthday, tryed to fix wills computer, that didnt happen, well i fixed it some, but not what he wanted fixed, talked to him and ed about relationships and what not, it was kinda odd since i was the only one there who dates girls, seeing that it was me a girl and two fags, and the girl who was there i like, and she knows i like her, she likes me and doesnt want to date me, so all that made the dating conversations a bit odd, i burnt will a sonic youth cd and bought him a alkaline trio cd, i hope he liked them, will and ed are such rad people, i wish i could have stayed longer, but me and jillian had to go study for my pentateuch exam tommorrow, cause i really cant fail it, i hope i do good, then we came back, and i watched bowling for columbine in nicks room, a pretty decent day off and now, its almost 3 and im getting ready to go to bed so i can wake up at 7 blah
there are only 3 buttons inbetween 3 and 7 on the keyboard, i hate that, that means 4 hours sleep blah, so g'night