later vs. laters

Oct 04, 2003 15:24

cheezy222: later
Drewpunck: laters
cheezy222: why always....laterS
cheezy222: i wasn't aware there was more than one later
Drewpunck: thats just how it is how it was and how it will be
Drewpunck: i hope there is, if i only see or talk to you one more time that would be bad
Drewpunck: so i hope there are more than one later
cheezy222: nahh later implys anytime in the future...therefore you can't have more than one..its all one continous thing
Drewpunck: but it only implys once, later and later and later = laters
cheezy222: no way
Drewpunck: yes way
cheezy222: you only see me later once...then you have start over...and see me later again....the first time is no longer later cause its in the you can only see me later ONCE
Drewpunck: but from now they are all later
cheezy222: plus like i said later is one continous thing.....thats like saying infinities
Drewpunck: ill see you later and then later than that thus being laters
cheezy222: no thus....all being later
cheezy222: as in later than now
cheezy222: even if its many times later
Drewpunck: and even if you logic were correct, which it isnt, it would still be laters because thats the way i am
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