things that i have seen since last i posted

Sep 21, 2011 20:22

This is another post with a ton of pictures.

From montreal

So at this club I go to a band decided they wanted to do a show and shoot a music video. This resulted in the place being full of awesome old arcade machines!

From montreal

this illustrates somewhat how creepy it would be if Cars was reality.

From montreal

Me and sam played dixit with a ton of other magic players in montreal. Dixit is a fun game where you try to be a very specific amount of descriptive. You want all but one player to figure out which picture is yours based on your description, and the ridiculous pictures in the game lead to some great descriptions. I once failed by having everyone guess me when the description was "What the fuck"

From montreal

At the same time as the gp there was montreal comic-con. I tried to go on saturday after doing badly at the tournament but it turned out to be closed. I still managed to snap this awesome photo.

From montreal

Durian flavored bubble tea! Pretty tasty, like durian but sweetened a lot.

From montreal

I have no idea what this costume is from, only that we encountered on our way back from eating in Chinatown. She said something to me as I was taking her picture but my french isn't good enough to understand. I can only hope it was "Please no pictures!"

From montreal

This is good parenting right here.

From montreal

No comment

From montreal

this is now canon

From montreal

A double Agent

From montreal

Stan lee always has the same facial expression. Maybe he's a robot?

From montreal

This guy was in the middle of a conversation so I never found out what this multi-camera rig was for since I didn't want to interrupt. Can you capture souls more effectively with more cameras?

From montreal

From montreal

From montreal

This guy was awesome. He was scary and funny, doing handstands and tricks and cackling so you could hear him across the hall, Scaring children that came up to look at him. Not to mention his makeup was great.

From montreal

"He just took a photo of my Karkles!"

From montreal
The various stuff I came away from the con with. That batman doodle is signed by adam west!

From montreal

A small part of the hour long line I went through to get into the con. They used two giant rooms to corral the line, maybe they should've just had more con in there?
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