
Aug 09, 2011 00:22

From Gencon etc.
This is another picture post, but lex said she wanted captions so FINE. This is deadpool!

These are in roughly chronological order

From Gencon etc.

This friendly elf directed us to the site when we got stuck in the Mall

From Gencon etc.

I took a random pic of this girl and she asked if I wanted a photo with her. I think I might've hurt her self esteem by saying no.

From Gencon etc.

Zombies invade steak and shake, turning into brains and shake.

From Gencon etc.

There were A LOT of pikachu backpacks, I think this is a representative example.

From Gencon etc.

I'm not sure what this was, dude was lying like that for a while we played some catchphrase with random people Dsteph found.

From Gencon etc.

This is apparently a boardgame where you play Maid cards, and if you win your Maids are rewarded by going to the Master's bedchambers.

From Gencon etc.

Here's one of the girls they had dressed as maids demoing the game. I felt too creeped out to try it.

From Gencon etc.

This is a few internet friends from a chatroom/forum I hang out in.

From Gencon etc.

One of MANY surprised/unsuspecting photos I took. This is the Monarch and Girl Hitler, with a Bat-man suited dean venture mostly out of frame. That's prolly supposed to be trianna on the left but she's not getting an A for effort

From Gencon etc.

One of my favorite things about gencon is the badass giant sculptures there are for various game companies. This was from warmachine I believe. One of these days I want to put a giant beholder in my house or something.

From Gencon etc.

This guy was an awesome chainmail jester, I saw him last year too. Battle-jester should become a thing.

From Gencon etc.

Steampunk sword cowboy. One of MANY MANY MANY MANY people steampunking at gencon. Apparently that's the in thing in geekery these days. I saw SO MANY begoggled top hats.

From Gencon etc.

It's the pirate equivalent of my hat!

From Gencon etc.

This dude had a lot of trouble getting down the escalator, due to his AWESOME POWER ARMOR. I'm glad people go to that much effort.

From Gencon etc.


From Gencon etc.

This trio of the doctor, amy, and a weeping angel was pretty cool

From Gencon etc.
I love going to gencon and seeing batman villains rubbing shoulders with mandalorians. Though when you think about it boba fett is kind of the batman of the star wars universe, so shouldn't they be fighting?

From Gencon etc.

these three sith were trying to tempt people to the dark side with cookies. Unfortunately I had to say no. I'm just too frigging good.

From Gencon etc.

I'm glad I have no idea what this thing was trying to advertise.

From Gencon etc.

I'm not sure what he was cosplaying as but he's a very high ranking whatever he is.

From Gencon etc.

This is an adorable plush beholder some people had. Fortunately plush eyebeams only paralyze you with cuteness.

From Gencon etc.

UPS had a set up in one of the outer hallways, but clearly had no idea what was going on, and tried to attract nerds with a giant rubix cube. Nerds like those right? RIGHT?!

From Gencon etc.
I love taking photos of outlandish people on cellphones

From Gencon etc.

There were obviously quite a few leias at gencon. Is this outfit bad for feminism in the geek community? Is it still bad if women are the ones wearing it? I don't know.

From Gencon etc.

I was surprised and happy to see this really good Repo Man costume. If you haven't seen Repo! The genetic opera you definitely should. It's one of a kind.

From Gencon etc.

Wonder if that child is going to grow up super scarred or super awesome from being around so many adults who dress up and threaten her.

From Gencon etc.

I really enjoy meta-photography and this is probably my favorite example of it ever. They were taking a photo of the people in the picture just above

From Gencon etc.

These guys had great costumes and were clearly into it but the 40k themed religious sermonizing was kinda annoying.

From Gencon etc.

Mandalorian and Sand-person exchange the traditional sand-person greeting.

From Gencon etc.

Sad pikachu is sad :(. She smiled when she noticed I was photoing her so I had to ask her to make a frowny face again.

From Gencon etc.

Really cool team fortress 2 cosplay, with good use of hats. Scout seems by far to be the most popular tf2 cosplay, I assume because it's the easiest to assemble.

From Gencon etc.

These Homestuck cosplayers were really adorable,

From Gencon etc.
More homestuck, hanging out with I dunno what, probably generic steampunk.

From Gencon etc.
The funny part is she probably has WAY Better aim with that thing.

From Gencon etc.
I don't know who you're trying to fool WOTC, those are definitely not scimitars.

From Gencon etc.
Perfectly timed squirrel girl photo. For those who don't know, squirrel girl is the best marvel superhero. She's beaten thanos and

Dr. Doom

From Gencon etc.

This woman really awesomely steampunkified her wheelchair.

From Gencon etc.

From Gencon etc.

I don't know why there was a santa at Gencon, but I can only hope he was secretly cosplaying as Gaiman's santa.

From Gencon etc.
A really great jarlaxle cosplay.

From Gencon etc.
Glad I'm not the only one who loves david the gnome.

From Gencon etc.
definitely my favorite of the many vaders, though technically Leia is Lady Vader I feel comfortable calling this one lady vader.

From Gencon etc.

These amusingly humongous pigs are totally inexplicable. No one knows why they are there, or even what material they are made out of. Their eyes still stare at me out of my dreams.

From Gencon etc.
I like to think that these guys had to arrest someone at gencon and were taken to be cosplayers. Hijinks ensued.

From Gencon etc.
The denim jacket equivalent of my hat!

From Gencon etc.
If only this could be an actual episode of dr who

From Gencon etc.
Sam being a dick

From Gencon etc.
You can't tell in this picture really but her eye outlines and ear outlines glowed when she leaned forward. It was pretty sweet.

From Gencon etc.
Stephanie lets out her inner nerd.

From Gencon etc.
I bought another boffer, this is Mary attacking Jace Beleren with it.
Anywho there are a lot more photos in the album, but these are the ones I felt like talking at least a little about.

Despite all my photos, almost all of my human interaction at gencon was with people I knew before, mostly from Madison. Am I conning wrong if I don't make any new friends or even really talk to new people?
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