(no subject)

Jun 27, 2011 21:20

Today weather.com said it was going to thunderstorm so I didn't kayak. Instead I went to a bike store to upgrade my seat and actually get a helmet (so my brains don't end up on the streets, where they'll obviously take to dealing drugs to survive). Then I tried to go to a book store so I could buy sky coyote so lex can read it. Eventually I end up downtown and by the third or so bookstore i get fed up not finding it or almost any kage baker books so I google her to see if her stuff is temporarily out of print or something, and find out she's been dead for like a year. D:. Anyway, despite the lies of Weather.com it was splendorous outside and I enjoyed state street and had some dobra.

When i got home I decided to give my sweet new bikecessories a whirl and successfully biked TO a destination for the first time, instead of just for 1-2 blocks and then giving up. I managed to get over to governor's island, one of my favorite walking places.

This couple

From Jun 27, 2011

This guy with the giant dog who is very timid and scared of me

From Jun 27, 2011

A sock? Ok I guess there's a sock there. It was in a pretty, moss-covered area by the water

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

Some pretty pictures

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

This creepy shed, which is pretty dilapidated but the door has shiny new locks and bolts holding it on, which is weird. pretty sure something evil lurks in there.

From Jun 27, 2011

This strange shrineish thing, which is different almost every time I walk to it, and where I got the feather I have in my hat right now. This is pictures from several different walks

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

From Jun 27, 2011

this half-naked guy running with two totally-naked dogs. Later on I ran into big-dog guy again who told me to tell 2-dog guy that he was an idiot because he would jog by the big dog which apparently it thinks is an agressive action? He was waiting towards the end of the parkish area when I came out, so he could catch that guy and yell at him.

From Jun 27, 2011
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