lex said ze wants me to post so I decided to dust off the old telagramalivejournophone and transmit some nonsense through the luminiferous ether. I got a bike so I could learn to bike places, so today I biked for 10 minutes before I decided it made my butt hurt too much. So instead I kayaked for 3.5 hours, to lake monona and back by way of tenny park. I saw a lot of ducks, and what I think is a muskrat?
This is a picture of cranes, it's not from this kayaking but I put it in here anyway
Jun 25, 2011 This is a pile of ducks
Jun 25, 2011This is me in a kayak
Jun 25, 2011 There's no picture of the muskrat because I was using my phone camera in a waterproof bag so it's awkard to take fast or good pictures.
I also went to see super 8. It was fairly disappointing. It stole the plot and action from several other movies and added very little, while also not making any sense. The kids were solid actors though, and the parts focusing on them were reasonably entertaining.