I did post about this last year, so thought I'd update you. I finished the actual embroidery for this about a year ago, but due to life and other general stuff getting in the way I never got round to assembling it.
Did it at last, 2 weeks ago - partly, I think, because I know that I now have to buckle down to making over 60 costumes for my local museum, so I wanted to do something that was just for me.
For those interested in the technicalities, embroidery is silk floss and gold on linen - spilt stitch and couched work. tassels are the same silk as the spilt stitch, as are the cords. The top, through which the drawstring passes, is silk tablet weave with a subtle pattern created by voiding every 4th hole. Lined with a piece of recycled silk brocade cos I'm too parsimonious to cut into a new peice of silk for something so small - the bit I used came from some old sleeves. Finsihed size approximately six inches by eight - judged by eye rather than ruler, since I left it at my boyfriends
now its finished I dont think I'm actually going to use it (I originally wanted something big enough for my glasses and mobile phone) cos the thickness of the embroidery means it doesn;t draw closed very well - still, it can become part of my historical embroidery display. possibly this impracticality is why there are so many surviing examples of these almoners