Discretion (RPFS, Kate Walsh/Katie Heigl, PG-13)

Aug 28, 2006 14:41

“How long do you think we’ll be able to keep this up?”

Kate’s voice is all husky and when that happens, which is most of the time when they’re naked, Katie finds it difficult to concentrate, so Kate has to repeat the question before Katie actually hears her.

“I think we’re doing pretty well,” Katie shrugs, leaning over to kiss Kate’s neck, then working her way down.

“They have to know,” Kate says. “I mean, seriously -” and then she stops herself, and smiles ruefully, because they both know that even if they are shooting new episodes right now, that’s no excuse for using catchphrases off-set. “Really,” she corrects herself. “How many times have we done this now?”

“What, gone out on a very very public date together?” Katie considers. “I’ve lost track.” She could count them up, maybe, but Kate’s breasts are far more interesting than math.

“Do you want to stop?”

“No,” Katie murmurs, and then looks up. “Oh. You meant us.”

“Yeah, I meant us,” Kate smiles at her.

“No.” And she’s sitting up now, properly, undressed but still taking it seriously. “No. I don’t.”

“We can’t keep this up forever, you know. They’ll figure it out eventually.”

“We’ve got at least another hundred dates before they do,” Katie laughs.

“And after that?”

“Then we can worry about discretion,” Katie shrugs, and resumes the important business of kissing her way down Kate’s body.
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