What would college-Alex do right about now? How she would liven up Dean’s party? You don’t even have to consider it. You know exactly what she’d do, so you grab Gina and pull her towards you, your mouth meeting hers a little rougher and harder than you’re used to but hey, this is college-Alex you’re trying to imitate, and college-Alex kissed hard.
She kissed hard and she kissed anyone she was drawn to and she made sure not to care about the people she was kissing because that’s the sure-fire way to get hurt. Having feelings for people equals hurting and isn’t it funny how college-Alex knew that when grown-up-Alex has trouble remembering it?
You’re breaking the rules again, you know, because Gina is - well, she’s Gina, and if she was into it and not just going along with it because she’s Gina and that’s what she does, then there could be something. And the last thing you need in your life is another Tribbiani to do the whole unrequited-love thing with.
So you stop kissing her. And that guy Dean is looking at you. That jerk. That guy that you don’t care about. College-Alex would have kissed him, you think, and you know that he’ll be next.