Joss spam!

Jul 19, 2008 15:28

It's been a while since I did a Jossverse picspam... and Act III of Dr. Horrible gave a perfect opportunity.

Don't click if you haven't seen Act III, not only I included major spoilerish pics, but the whole picspam will gave away its ending!

Oh dear. Why the hell was I surprised by the ending? We know Joss. He is, after all, "the man who murdered love".
Romantic relationships are doomed with him.

Let's take a walk down depressive memory lane...

And when Joss is not too busy destroying romantic couples, he destroys families. You know, as a bonus.

I'm not familiar enough with Firefly/Serenity,
but I can bet there'd be good examples to include in this picspam...

And now we can add the doomed adorableness that was Penny/Billy *sniffles*

That last shot killed me...
WHY JOSS, WHY?!! You said it's gonna be lighthearted, not heartbreaking - LIGHTHEARTED!
You better be working on sequel where we find out it was all in Billy's head or something.

image Click to view

LMAO someone actually did a Joss vid to Man Who Murdered Love!
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