You guys know perfectly well how I get once I find myself a new ship...
I have Jess to blame thank for finally forcing me to watch Bones properly and making me discover the adorableness that is Angela/Hodgins. I didn't think I'd love them that much since B/B are supposed to be the couple. But damn, as much as I love B/B, these 2 totally pwns.
I have nothing to add except that it's kinda big with quotes and pics so if some of you are still on dial-up (people really still use it? Seriously?) then skipping would be a good idea.
It's always fun to go back to the early dynamics of a couple,
especially when they weren't even considered to become one.
Angela: How long have we known each other?
Hodgins: Do people really ever know each other?
Angela: How come you never invited me over to your house?
Hodgins: Oh, I didn't pick up that kind of vibe off you.
so... how long had they know each other? Was it ever mentioned?
Aww, I love their Christmas interactions. And the gift he made her.
Skipping a lot of S1 - I've seen it only once, I wasn't that impressed
with the show and overall I have very vague memories.
Hodgins: You all right?
Angela: Yeah... No, no I'm not. Look, we can solve hundred-year-old crimes...
We can, we can track down serial killers
and identify people when nothing is left of them but sludge.
So, why can't we help a 15-year-old girl?
All she wants to do is fall in love and visit the Louvre.
Hodgins: You can do that.
Angela: What do you mean?
Hodgins: You made a whole guy out of bone chips and lights.
You can create the Louvre.
Angela: Well, what about love? What do you have to say about love?
Hodgins: It's overrated...most of the time.
I just love that scene. He's so totally falling for her...
Hodgins: Look, Angela. Look, I run on sometimes, I know.
I guess I think if I yell loud enough, maybe someone will listen.
Angela: Well, you have to be careful people don't go deaf.
You know, what you did for Booth before... showing him you understood, that was good.
Everyone hears something like that.
Hodgins: I found the murder weapon!
Angela: Oh, you are good.
Hodgins: You have no idea.
Zack: Are you having a moment?
Yes. Yes, they are =]
How sweet is that scene?! I know someone who loves it *winks*
Picless, but it's too good not to quote:
Hodgins: Hey Angela! You look great today.
Angela: Thanks Hodgie! This is my bo-ho rocker, artist, mid-week, take-a-deep-breath-and-pout look.
Brennan: Hodgie?
I crack up at that dialogue every time!
Hodgins: Welcome back by the way.
Angela: What?
Hodgins: Well after two days of inappropriate comments, you're back to judging me for gross behavior.
Angela: When am I ever appropriate?
Hodgins: Good point. Maybe it was just the judging me I missed.
Ah, the woman I know and love... in a purely non-romantic, happy-to-be-judged way.
Yeah. Right.
Angela: Are you sniffing my hair?
Hodgins: You called it, baby. Man of odd enthusiasms.
He's not even trying to be discreet about it. I love it!
Hodgins: Hey. Don't come around again looking for a second chance.
That was a one-time offer, baby.
Angela: Really.
Hodgins: No. What? No, not really. I mean it never occurred to me that you would... Ok, now you talk.
Angela: I accept... going on a date. With you. Soon.
Hodgins: Tonight?
Angela: Wow, that is soon.
Hodgins: I don't wanna give you time to change your mind.
What I love the most about this scene, is not even the cuteness of Jack being totally confused and stammering.
It's him looking heavenward and mouthing 'thank you' afterwards.
Swings! On a first date! SWINGS!!!
It's probably the cutest first date I've seen on TV!
Angela: Look... Brennan is my best friend and Zack is... whatever the hell he is, and...
when this goes wrong, it pulls everybody else into it.
And what the great date tells us is that when it goes wrong...
Hodgins: It'll go really, really wrong.
Angela: Yeah... So... we go back, right? Friends.
Hodgins: Sure, friends. Just one question.
What if doesn't end that way? What if it doesn't go wrong?
Hodgins: I'm nuts about Angela. Over the moon. Stupid in love with her.
That's why I bought her that crazy expensive perfume. Man gives you a bottle of perfume like that...
It says... it says "I love you". There. I said it out loud.
This is probably one of my favorite scene when it comes to this couple.
The episode itself is definitely my favorite on the show and that confession... oh man, I get teary eyed.
Seriously. It's beautifully delivered and so emotional...
Awww the rescue kiss! Awwww!!!
Hodgins: I can't sleep, Angela.
Angela: I thought they gave you something for that.
Hodgins: No, I mean... I'm afraid that... if I close my eyes... when I open them...
I'm gonna be back in that car... buried... running out of air...
Angela: Ok. Then you should come home with me.
Hodgins: What?
Angela: When you open your eyes, I'll be there.
Gah, this whole episode is amazing. And this is such a perfect ending...
Angela: Did you really call me the heart of the operation?
Hodgins: Yeah, that's before you called me short.
Angela: Hey, Zack called you short. I think you're just the right height.
Hodgins: Yeah?
Angela: Short men have better leverage.
Another beautiful scene! Yep, that's pretty much all I have to say...
Hodgins: And you wonder why I love you. Is she not fantastic?
Heh. Lunch break sex. This is what S3 was severely lacking.
Angela: What you said here. That we're enough. Just this, no pressure for more. That's all that I ever wanted.
The whole "be my love" scene? Yeah, I melt. OMG. They can be so shamelessly mushy and I actually love it.
In S4. Please. Just let them get really married. I don't want the angst and unresolved tension.
I have B/B for that. I want them to finally get married and have squint babies and live happily ever after.
Another S4 request. Keep the stubble but I want the fro back.
Angela: He's Dr. Jack Hodgins. Angela. Montenegro. I do facial reconstructions... and him.
Ha! I love Angela!
Hodgins: We want you to contact him.
Angela: And get him to sign the divorce papers.
PI: By "get him to sign" do you mean force him to sign them?
Hodgins: If necessary. Do you have a gun?
Angela: Or just remind him of who I am, and ask him politely.
Hodgins: What are you, Canadian?
Yep, this cracked me up. I've been watching way too much of HIMYM and Canada jokes are instant win ;)
Seriously though. I don't like this storyline. I don't like that they drag it to S4 and I don't like that they're
making this mysterious hubby the perfect guy and I'm worried they'll screw over this ship.
Yes, I have very little faith in writers in general...
Argh they're soo sweet!
Let's finish with a little vid, right?
Click to view
That's all. Hope you enjoyed this post =)