May 22, 2004 22:15
I hate when iw aste time. ANd for a large majority of today, that is all I did. I decided to do that thing, and as I'm getting ready to install GCC, it starts spitting up erros. So now I have to restart the whole fucking thing so that I can do it right. The problem is, however, that I have to reinstall Fedora for the 3rd time in the past 1-2 weeks (I didn't care, I don't care to count). Actually, I'm going to go look into other distros before I go back to Fedora a - fucking - gain. I'm sick of it's shit with incomplete C libraries and shit. I'm going to go hunt down a fucking real distro that I can write a bunch of shit it. That's what I need, after all. I may try for Slackware again, because I can do that in under 2 gigs. I'll just leave off the boot loader and modify GRUB to do it. Yes, that is what I will do. I'll do it later, though. I don't care to do it now. There isn't time, it isn't worth it. Tomorrow I'll wake up, download some random distro of Linux (maybe I'll do Mandrake. I'll find one), install Linux a-fucking-gain, then see if I can do that PoS Linux from Scratch thing. It's irritating as hell, but I can't do anytihng about it, because I want it to be done and it's just bitching and bitching with me. But my typing speed is comiong back to me. I'm not sure exactly where it went, but it's come back to me again. There are a few more errors now, and I slow down a little bit when I'm typing and th inking a lot about whaet I'm trying, but now it's coming back a little faster, slowly, but surely. I feel like doing something invovling the harm of an inanimate object, but I'm handling the anger. I need to go listen to more happy hardcore, to get lost in it. I don't even care any more, and my brother has to get on the computer soon, but I dont' care about that either. I need sleep, and I need a good book. And I need to get that fucking Linux thing to fucking work. I'm not sure what will eventually happen, but I will get something done, just wait. I really need a 4th hard drive to write it on, but that'll come later and I'll write it on there later, because right now it's just a hassle, since the only one I have lying around is a 2-gig, barely enough for Slackware. But that would work, I guess, if I did it right. I need to do a bunch of shit tomorrow. I have finals monday, so i have to do a small amount of studying, but beyond that, I'm going to set together a whole fucking linux distro in a fucking day. That's my goal tomorrow: to sit in front of a computer and write the distro. And it will happen, I will make sure of it. That is, unless I end up going to hang with my sister's boyfriend and play with his DJ system. Shit will happen, just wait and see. I'm supposed to help DJ a bunch of rave over the summer (yes, it went from 1 to several). We'll see how that ends up, too. I don't know what'll happen, maybe I'll be good, maybe I'll be booed offstage. I don't quite know what will happen, but I will try it. And I will try this fucking linux distro and see what happens. If I get it done, there's my senior project. If I don't get it done, I'll keep trying until I do. This post is way fucking long, regrettable enough, so I will stop here. Linux rules, even though GCC hates me. Angel, I love you. Oh, before it ends, I went and hung at the mall w/ Angel and her friends. It was pretty kewl, but I miss her right now. Well, g'night. SNL!