Dec 01, 2010 11:15

Hey all! It FROZE HERE LAST NIGHT! Which I know is boring for most of you but not all that common here and makes it feel like MY GOODNESS DECEMBER IS HERE! Also,...I miss snow*.

So we drank cocoa with ancho chile in it this morning before we braved the cold and it was frosty and lovely and the vapor rising from the lake was enchanting. We're supposed to have a high of 80˚ F today so, gather your frozen kisses while you may, and all.

ANYHOW - This brings me to my desire to post a little treat each day this month and how it got all mixed up with my desire to post some Hanukkah** songs and how in my head they are NOT THE SAME THING. AT ALL. Sigh. Head. You're weird.

Today, because I am honestly horrid at delayed gratification, you get TWO TREATS! My favorite winter song EVER and a great hanukkah song from Erran Baron Cohen's*** brilliant Album "Songs in the Key of Hanukkah" which was such a cool surprise package of World Beat and Hip Hop and Klezmer and Hasidic Rap last year. Download them at the links or just get into the vids. Enjoy! Happy December y'all. And if you're lighting up the Hanukkiah tonight have fun!

A treat for December 1: Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal

image Click to view

A song for the First Night of Hanukkah: Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah
Erran Baron Cohen, featuring Y-Love and Jules Brooks Yeah, YIDDISH RAP, BB!

image Click to view

eta - I love the song, not the video.

*No, I don't miss shoveling it or driving in it or waiting for buses when it is -35˚ C but still...
**Let's see how many acceptable transliterations I can use over the next eight days!
***Yeah, his brother. The album is fantastic!

made of win, dorktastic!, virtual jew

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