Zygonians loose in America

Nov 18, 2010 08:52

I've waxed dorkstastic about Intergalactic Nemesis before and will likely do so again, possibly at embarrassingly fangirly length. Having witnessed it's evolution from Live-Action Radio Play to Graphic Novel to Live-Action Graphic Novel over the years I feel oddly possessive (given that I had no hand whatsoever in the creative genius on display). ( Read more... )

keeping austin weird, this is the truth, supreme awesomesauce, the future is now

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Comments 3

chn_breathmint November 18 2010, 15:52:26 UTC
You know this is probably really weird, but I'll be visiting friends in Austin from the 18th of December on, and if you want to meet the insane person who keeps writing these Inception fics we could work out a meeting of some sort.

- Mel


dremiel November 18 2010, 16:00:30 UTC
That would be DELIGHTFUL!

Drop me a note when you know your plans. I'm in central Austin and would love to meet up. And if you are in town on January 8th you should check out the show (above).


chn_breathmint November 18 2010, 16:21:26 UTC
Unfortunately I'm leaving the 6th of Jan so I can get ready for the new semester, so I'll have to miss the show, but I'd love to work out a meeting.

I'm going to visit friends, as I said but also to see the University of Texas at Austin campus, as I might be interested in grad school there in a few years.

- Mel


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