Zygonians loose in America

Nov 18, 2010 08:52

I've waxed dorkstastic about Intergalactic Nemesis before and will likely do so again, possibly at embarrassingly fangirly length. Having witnessed it's evolution from Live-Action Radio Play to Graphic Novel to Live-Action Graphic Novel over the years I feel oddly possessive (given that I had no hand whatsoever in the creative genius on display). Plus, Foley artists are cool!

Guess what? Intergalactic Nemesis is on tour next year and (possibly) coming to your town! You, too can follow the adventures of intrepid reporter Molly Sloan, her loyal sidekick Timmy Mendez, and oddly compelling librarian Ben Wilcott as they uncover a mystery which threatens life as we know it! (Dun dun dun). Sure dates next fall seem like a long way off but when you're dealing with the dreaded Central Hive it's best to plan ahead!

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keeping austin weird, this is the truth, supreme awesomesauce, the future is now

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