my lovely evening...

Jul 02, 2010 00:00

First more rain! Yay! We've already had about as much rain in one day of July as we did in all of June.

Mmmm, dinner with lillian13 at the Thai place that's a little pricey but always worth it. We shared Miang Khum, which is essentially baby spinach leaves topped with ginger, garlic, lime, red onion, roasted peanuts and coconut up that you roll up and pop into your mouth. The lime zest and ginger were the real kicks here. Then, I had Hor Mok, a steamed red curry cake with scallops, shrimp, mussels, squid and some kind of white fish. Also basil and coconut cream and chiles, many, many chiles. It was unlike any curry cake I've ever had but it was delicious so... Also, she gave me some very yummy chocolates that she brought me from San Francisco: dark chocolate with chili and cocoa nibs. Mmmm. Not sharing these with the menfolk, nope. Airport run in exchange for chocolate sounds like a win/win to me!

When I got home we had no internet. The modem seemed fine but the time machine, which serves as our airport base station, wasn't working. Because the cat was sleeping on the powerstrip that it was plugged into and had toggled the power to off. Seriously cat? You're going to start sleeping on cables and powerstrips now? WTF?

Then, I got to talk to The Boy for a few minutes as they're at the McDonald Observatory for the night and therefore back in cell range! They had a couple of "gully washers" at camp but as he said, no one pitched their tent in a gully so all was well. And with nothing % humidity everything dried out quickly. I'm still horribly jealous of the night at the observatory! It's too cloudy for them to see much with the Smith Telescope (I think it 105 inches) but they got to watch the Hobby-Eberly Telescope in action (OMG 9.2 METER mirror people) and see some of the spectroscopy it catches.

They had Dave's Gallileoscope out at camp earlier in the week and had a blast with that and the star walk app. It remains one of the best father's day gifts we've managed to come up with! (That and the ice cream ball thing that was also in service this week)

It always startles me how mature he sounds on the phone when we've been apart for some time - In the same manner that children you see infrequently seem to grow in leaps.

Also, the duct-tape hat that he made and wore for "silly hat day" carried him all the way to runner-up in the 200+ scout silly hat competition. He didn't say but I'd lay odds that there were tentacles involved.

He claims he told the cat to listen to me but I remain skeptical...

Now I'm listening to MORE Gotan Project when I should be sleeping.

Not bad for a Thursday.

geek mom, made of win

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