Two unrelated things make a post because if I wait for more I'll forget one of these!

Apr 05, 2010 09:58

Or something like that!

1) Mazel Tov and congratulations to my awesome nephew MP who starts his new job as a Database Admin for the Digital Media Team(Kindle, MP3s, Video on Demand) at Amazon in, squints, about two hours! My Dad would have been all proud of him with the corporate relocation and the corporate apartment and the corporate car (until the trailer with his Saab gets from Austin to Seattle) as Dad was always terribly fond of doling out perks like that and what he thought they said about the way employees are valued in a culture. The on again, off again Boyfriend was not invited to relocate to Seattle so this may be a good move in every way! (err, nothing against Boyfriends in general, this one is just very brittle and has some.. issues... and I'd like see MP find someone he doesn't have to be so god damned careful with [yes, yes, I know he has to choose to choose that]. Angst-Fests are only fun in fic!)

2) The Boy, while filing out his Independent Reading Log for his English class ran out of space (with newspapers and news mags and science mags) but then sighed deeply and said, "I'm just not making enough time for fiction and I miss it!" Yay self-aware OMG you're really growing up aren't you Boy!

3) Bonus Thing! The Boy is also having a FANTASTIC time with Torchwood S2 and has taken to quoting semi-random lines at odd times. This morning we were planning lunches for the week and he broke out with "I'll go stock up on plankton." Also - he watched Meat and Reset and Dead Man Walking on my iPod on the Easter car trip to and from Nana's in Houston - after Meat he pulled off his headphones and launched into this whole "Wow Gwen is acting like an eighth grader or something! She needs to grow up!" rant that delighted me a little - not that either of us is a Gwen-basher but it was nice to see him call it like it is - cause that was pretty middle-school.

momhood, torchwood, blue glow, made of win

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