Choice sheets

Mar 08, 2010 21:47

So a couple of years ago EVERYONE was telling The Boy he should take Theater and he was having none of it.

This semester he seriously disliked his Criminal Law teacher and dropped the class after the first day to add Writing for Comic Books, which turned out to be full, so he took Shakespearean Theater instead. We are now about eight weeks into his love affair with Midsummers Night Dream and he has secured the director's permission to take Advanced Theater next year (bypassing Intro to Theater altogether). I think it was the stage combat but who knows - he was hooked long before that.

He has even taken it upon himself to get clearance to do his English Language Arts Independent Reading book report (they do two book reports for each six weeks period: ELA and History) on the play.

Ah, Fate.

ETA - He's playing Theseus and Peter Quince and a random fairy, I think.

Also eta- The BEST part is that he keeps reading random bits out to me and then CACKLING!! Like he actually get's that Quince is so bad it's funny. When the heck did he grow up on me?

momhood, geek mom

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