Notes for the coming week... not the droids you're looking for

Feb 21, 2010 16:11

ETA: Call Tom about disturbing new sound from fridge, fear it may be compressor deathrattle. Buy new fridge - must be <31" wide

Cooking for Interfaith Hospitality (homeless but living in our temple for the week) families tonight and Wednesday. Count for this week= 8 adults/13 kids

Call Orthodontist for appointment Monday or Tuesday - The Boy lost (but did not swallow!) a bracket

Get sealed bottle of Ibuprofen and notarized letter to school nurse so The Boy can treat med induced headaches if needed. I swear it would be easier for him to acquire crack than to legally take a couple of Advils on school property

AlphaDog to vet for suture removal

Schedule final three two appointments with The Boy's Bar Mitzvah Mentor

Find a time (< Friday) to meet with Kay and divide Baseball season tickets

Find a time that lillian13 can meet up with The Boy for Birthday-ness

Checks to: Hebrew Tutor, Saxophone teacher, Bar Mitzvah photographer, lawn guy, JR for our share of table @ Gala

Band concert Tuesday pm - remember dress code changed from tuxedo shirt to band polo

p/u stuff from cleaners, shoe hospital

Sign off on The Boy's choice sheet for 8th grade. Do I REALLY want to let him take Japanese again next year. Teacher is a stone bitch but he is learning, and he wants to take it. OTOH he also wants Advanced Theater - MUST NOT SAY "I TOLD YOU SO"!

Get final room count from Rene @ Westin. Also, Shari offered to help with treat bags for the rooms. Shit, do I need to make up bags for everyone? I probably do.

CLEAN THE DAMNED HOUSE. In under three weeks there will be dozens of people in my living room. eta: Get number for Ruth's house cleaner and beg for a day with her!

Get to Trianna to have suit jacket sleeves hemmed. Yes. Even with a 16 Petite I have to shorten the sleeves cause I am SHORT, deal.

Make 200 newspaper pots to transplant herbs into (to be done by March 2 but good for Olympic viewing)

Hope that folks actually do rsvp, what is WRONG with people these days?

Also, yanno, work, gym, laundry, cooking, driving carpool, sleep...

life is messy, bar mitzvah-zilla

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