Final Mishloach Manot Basket Count =27

Mar 08, 2009 22:44

Mishloach Manot 2009
Originally uploaded by dremiel

Up from 18 or 19 last year. I was very wise and factored in an extra couple for the folks Dave thought of this afternoon. Sure enough at 4:30 or so I got a "Hey if you have enough we should ..." Go me!

Final Hamantaschen count is 14.5 dozen. I am, officially, tired of baking. Actually I am tired in every way possible. But I made a hella lotta Purim gifts.

I am finally using the cute little rectangular tins I scored at Target two years ago. They were in the dollar section with gardening stuff and eventually got marked down to $.50 each so I bought all the stock from three stores. After today I have forty-one left so I am good for next year as well! I feel all thrifty (and so glad that I remembered which closet they were tucked away in!) It is more challenging than you might suppose to tuck lots of little treats into a festive basket while avoiding any easter-ish overtones!

Each "basket" has:
6 hamantaschen (except for a couple of large-ish families who are getting more)

a bag of seasoned nuts (I got bored making chipolte cashews during the week so about half have cashews and the rest have maple glazed pecans, spicy almonds, or, in the case of the extra two baskets, plain old pistachios)

and 6 or 7 sesame crunch candies. It is JUST TOO HOT already to toss any chocolates.

Tomorrow I get to run around delivering them to doorsteps all over Austin. Oh, and work, yeah, gotta get to work as well!

ETA: Note to self, one jar Nutella will fill 2.5 doz. Hamantaschen if using 2" cutter.

kitchen alchemy, virtual jew

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