(Ficlet) Rainbows. In all senses of the word.

Jan 18, 2008 16:13

This? Is Momo's fault. She knows why.


There was a rainbow in the sky, pastel colours spread soft across in a gentle arc.

Two ponys gamboled in the green, green field, filled with huge fragrant pink and orange flowers.

"You know what, Jazz," the pale brown pony said, crushing delicate petals beneath his hooves, "I'm horny."

"No you're not," Jazz said, flicking his hair over his shoulder, before lying down and gnawing at the ends. "You're a proper manly earth pony, none of that flighty wing-things or showy unicorns. You're properly pony, if you know what I mean."

"That's not what I meant," the other pony said, pouting, only Jazz wasn't looking so he kicked some more flowers. "Come on, Jazz, you're not a baby pony are you? You know what I mean!"

"No I don't, Boots," Jazz said through a mouthful of hair. "You hafta explain." He glanced over his shoulder to Boots with an arch look in his large golden eyes. If he'd been a girl-pony, it might have been described as coy. But he wasn't. He was a boy-pony, and he didn't do coy.

"I told you to call me Rawhide, not Boots. Sax."

"Hey! That stupid symbol means Jazz, not Sax!"

Jazz was starting to get up, indignant, the arch look gone. In fact, if a whole body-length worth of bright orange tail could look indignant and offended, Jazz's tail managed.

"Hey hey hey," Rawhide started, and then because Jazz was obviously not going to lie down again and give him not-coy looks, pounced Jazz.

They tumbled over in over, fragrance of the flowers exploding all around them. They didn't suffer any sort of injuries, because, if you must know, they both were also soft ponies. With soft vinyl bodies. Damn hard to hurt.

Jazz ended up in a dip of the field, staring up at Rawhide's face. He gave him a Look. "very funny, Rawhide," he said. "Lemme up."

Rawhide just grinned at him, and leaned in to nuzzle Jazz's shoulder. "Mmm... how about no?"

Jazz bit his ear.

As Rawhide yelped, Jazz bucked him off, and raced off across the field, heading towards a dark green forest. "Can't catch me!"

Rawhide, growled - which was actually fairly deep, for a pony, if you must know - and galloped after him. "Sly minx!"

"Caaaan't catch me!"

He caught up with Jazz at the edge of the forest, and tumbled him into the shade.

The sounds that emitted were not normal My Little Pony giggles.


Manly Ponies didn't giggle.


I want you to imagine the physics of two moderately well-endowed pastel ponies humping. Picture it clearly. Cause that's all the smut you get.


Six months later, Ribbons was commenting on how much Jazz was glowing. Positively radiant.

"And you've put on weight! You look utterly adorable!"

Jazz just glared at Rawhide. The pony at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"Next time," Jazz said, when Ribbons was off prattling about the pretty clouds offsetting the castle wall-paper, "You get to have the baby."

mlp, crack, i hate myself, this is momo's fault

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