All My Children: Stop Making Me Love Krystal With A K

Jul 18, 2011 21:13

Seriously AMC! Why take away my hate? It's festered for KWAK ever since the babyswitch debacle where she hardly served one day of her 10 year sentence for switching the lab results and led first Babe then Bianca to believe Miranda was dead and that baby girl was Babe and JR's. Babe got most of the reign of fire blame for that horrible fiasco it was ( Read more... )

spoilers, tv, squee, bianca/marissa, amc, watch this

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Comments 10

headintheair July 19 2011, 09:34:58 UTC
The proposal scene cracked me up purely for Kendall and Bianca's reactions: Yelling 'No!' as soon as he proposes, LOL. Kendall, in particular, is HILARIOUS with the "You better handle this before I kill someone."

The whole Marissa/Krystal scenes: yes, it is hard to hold on to the hate after watching that, isn't it? I think you're right though, Krystal, (for better or for worse) is fiercely protective of her children and will do just about anything to ensure their happiness. I loved how accepting and loving she was, "You have every right to be happy." Lovely.

As for our girls: so adorable with the hand-holding and the looks and the smiling. I am soooooo completely with you about wanting a 'feelings' discussion scene. They need one.

I hate myself a little bit for getting caught up in the Erica/Jane kidnapping/identity switch debacle, but I can't stop watching, lol. It's entertaining as hell. And, now you give me spoilers about a possible mental asylum breakout (AND ANNIE!). So soapy and wonderful. :)


dreiser July 20 2011, 02:29:44 UTC
I cannot wait for Oak Haven. Erica, Janet, Annie, and Dixie? Oh lord. That's just too much awesome. Especially since Janet and Erica used to be BFF's and Annie was super awesome romantic interest for Dixie's baby boy, JR.

The returns are getting crazy. Now Alexa Havins and Justin Bruening (Babe and Jamie) are supposed to be on the show in September. Seriously?! Did Dr. David bring everyone back from the dead? lol. I can't wait for Babe to meet her long lost twin. That should be interesting stuff.


melborousse July 19 2011, 12:16:50 UTC
I really want them to discuss their ~*~feelings~*~ somewhere in private though. Particularly Bianca confessing to Marissa that she's in love with her too. I did like how Marissa said that Bianca addressed the attraction first. It made it very much clear that this isn't just a "I love her soul" crap with Marissa. She's physically and emotionally attracted to Bianca and yayyyy, you guys! Yayyyy!

yayyyyyyy! ♥


winstonta July 22 2011, 03:17:54 UTC
So much epicness. I've been away from AMC for a while, but have been catching it wherever possible lately. Which most recently includes watching it every day while I'm at the beach this week (yay excitement for tomorrow's ep :D)

The Bianca/Marissa developments have been fantastic, and I too was pleasantly surprised with how Krystal behaved on Monday. All in all, I'm so excited to see people happy and others from long ago come back.

Thanks for posting your awesome recaps/spoilers/commentaries/etc. They kind of make my day :)


dreiser July 22 2011, 03:54:40 UTC
I'm glad someone reads them! lol. Mostly it feels like I'm fangirling to myself which, whatever, I do all the time. I'm pretty excited about all the prompts on the femslash kink meme for AMC. I'm probably going to fill a bunch of them.

Certainly, I have to try and fill the one for Kinks. lol. It was nice to see Krystal be so supportive and then them juxtapose how Erica reacted to Bianca's coming out at the end of the show. Very nice development.

Tomorrow should be fabulous. I can't wait.


winstonta July 24 2011, 19:32:10 UTC
Everything was just fantastic, and the kiss/forehead bump? *heart melts a little*


winstonta July 26 2011, 03:48:45 UTC
I'm watching today's (25JUL) AMC that I TiVo'd, and just watching JR drunkenly talk to his Mom is heartbreaking. I'm particularly moved by the fact that, while thinking it's a dream, he's still so happy that she's come to him, even in a not glamorous dream way but instead slumped against a park bench way. To me this just shows how poorly he thinks of himself and how even in what he thinks are his dreams he won't allow himself to be happy.

Anyway, this scene is causing me to feel emotions, and I had no one to share that with, so I thought I'd bombard a basic stranger/internet friend :)


dreiser July 26 2011, 05:51:57 UTC
I know, right? Jacob Young has been so fantastic in all his scenes. Everything he did today was gold. I really hope he gets an Emmy nod next year for his work. He does deserve it. I've always loved JR's character and the scene with not only Dixie but Krystal then Tad were really powerful today.

However, dude, I cannot wait for Oak Haven tomorrow. Janet and Erica were once my favorite pair of BFFs on AMC and now they're together again! Plus Annie. Oh, I cannot wait. Such greatness. Plus David and his whole "they'll die without me" reveal to Griffin. How many zombie residents of Pine Valley does he have stashed around anyway? I just hope Leo is one of them and doesn't come back as a ghost.

ETA: And internet friends are some of my favorite kinds of friends. lol. Sometimes it's hard to fangirl properly with people IRL. At least, unless you've known them for years and you feel sufficiently comfortable revealing yourself to be a complete sad dork. Which I usually am.


winstonta July 31 2011, 06:42:03 UTC
Awesome for internet friends.

If you don't mind, I'd like to clarify a couple things that have me confused about the show. For one, I remember the killer a few years ago, during the Zarf period, and my recollection is that the killer incidentally (or perhaps deliberately) "killed" Dixie. Also, when Greenlee "died" wasn't that after the Reese/Zach fiasco?

And the women at Oak Haven with Erica, or EKa, who are those ladies? (except for Annie, I remember her) With all this talk of Tad raising JR, I keep wondering: what happened to Jamie? I attempted to look it up online, but all I could find was mention of him vanishing in the congo, and then I gave up and decided to ask an expert.

As a small thank you for humoring me, here is a pic I found online of a geektastic hoodie:

(PS I tried to post this a few days ago, and LJ was doing its crazy shit, so yeah, delayed-ness)


dreiser August 1 2011, 02:17:21 UTC
Yeah, the Satin Slayer (aka Zach's crazy father Alexander Cambias) was running around killing the women of Fusion to torment Zach and freak out Kendall. He was trying to kill Babe via some poisoned pancakes (no joke) which Babe didn't eat and offered to Dixie who died. Or so everyone thought. At that time, David was lurking around the Chandler Mansion in their secret tunnels (again, not a joke) so it's probable he snatched her body in that time period ( ... )


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