Woohoo look what I found

Aug 11, 2013 16:05

Some "Bridesmaids" pics and the movie itself! Well, I didn't watch it yet (omg I will! at least his scenes :P) and I feel like I should let other people watch it too...But maybe his scenes only? :P But honestly, "Polar Storm" and "Time Under Fire" (one of the movies in Mr Coleman's "lamest hits" list) are both definitely more intriguing for ( Read more... )

blabbering, beth toussaint, wendilynn, movie: bridesmaids

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Comments 13

ilikethequiet August 11 2013, 13:09:06 UTC
OMG so cuuuute!!

You know it's funny, I think I've seen this movie...


dref22 August 11 2013, 19:28:00 UTC
LOLOL why am I not surprised? :D But I bet you didn't even realize who that guy was. :P


episodethree August 11 2013, 17:20:27 UTC
Excuse me if I Woohoo too! WOOHOOOOO!!

It´s a lovely surprise! So handsome, wow. (Oh, the 90's, sometimes I miss them XD) I'm really thrilled that you found this film, and these pics are really gems, I agree with you, lol.

Thanks for the party pic, glad to see they are still in touch. Mainly because Wendi keeps on providing us with this kind of pics, lol, (yes, I'm selfish :P)


dref22 August 11 2013, 19:31:29 UTC
Hahaha yay! :D I remembered our convo about this movie and when I found it I knew you'd be delighted! :D ... Okay, I think this movie will go to youtube. *hides*

Yesss it seems like they are BFFs (well, she says they are close so yay!) and I agree, I am selfish too. XD


la_dame_du_lac August 11 2013, 17:58:18 UTC
*jaw drops*



You always find the best gems! :D


dref22 August 11 2013, 19:36:12 UTC
Noooo poor Jack, covered with your saliva!!! D:

OMG I think I totally forgot to tell you that I got the movie now. XD And I also realized I forgot to post the pics! Oh, Burn Notice and Mr Coleman's sexiness in it...

Btw this movie made me remember the interviews where said he had to play "soft" characters back then, he was never give any opportunity to play badasses. I feel like this movie is one of them. XD But he is cute and that's what matters! :D


sarena2s August 11 2013, 23:02:50 UTC
Omg he is too cute! I want to watch this. Or maybe just his scenes too. Haha

Time Under Fire was... Well, I remember Bryan Cranston being creepy in it. Lol


dref22 August 12 2013, 18:27:40 UTC
LOLOL I am not ashamed to say it anymore: I try to watch his scenes in these movies sometimes. XD

OMG Cranston was soooo creepy! There was a nice twist there. :P


elizzybright August 12 2013, 07:11:25 UTC
Wow...to that new pic with Wendy and Beth...and more wow to those pics of the film, that I should watch...Motown soundtrack and Jack, I am ready! :)


dref22 August 12 2013, 18:25:57 UTC
They look great, don't they? :D There was another pic but it was so small, I didn't think it was worth posting!

LOL these promo pics make me want to watch it too, but I doubt he is in as many scenes as we'd like! Grrrrr those late 80s-early 90s TV movies...


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