Woohoo look what I found

Aug 11, 2013 16:05

Some "Bridesmaids" pics and the movie itself! Well, I didn't watch it yet (omg I will! at least his scenes :P) and I feel like I should let other people watch it too...But maybe his scenes only? :P But honestly, "Polar Storm" and "Time Under Fire" (one of the movies in Mr Coleman's "lamest hits" list) are both definitely more intriguing for multiple reasons, so they will have my attention first. And guess what they had in common: Submarines! :D

I don't think I have the mental capability to grasp the plotline of "Time Under Fire". I mean it omg. There were androids, rapists, Bryan Cranston, a faux-Darth Vader and Jack Coleman with a goatee.  It feels like nothing in this movie can go wrong, right? I basically can not wait to rewatch and cap it. Perhaps after we're done with Burn Notice. BOOOOOOO. My weekly Jack Coleman fix D: I will be depressed but thank gods we have these gems. :)

Dangerously cute

It looks like he doesn't have scenes with anyone else, haha.

Oh, so his pic inside the heart is actually from this movie! I always wondered where it was from!

Oh, oh also! This is from Wendi's birthday parteeeh

Martini! His favorite! :D And the black shirt...

Aaaaand he'll be in this week's Burn Notice episode! So Yay for that too! :D

blabbering, beth toussaint, wendilynn, movie: bridesmaids

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