Got to meet the goats today. They're La Manche mixed with some dwarf variety, making for a streamlined animal of moderate size--a little smaller than most goats, with minimal ears. They're very curious and friendly, mouthing my housemate's bracelets and necklace, rubbing heads against us, leaving goat snot on our pants. They have a super nice set up, a little corral under a tree with an attached shed and milking area. If I can bring myself to get up early this weekend, I should be able to see how they're milked. The milk, by the way, is delicious.
There are ducks living next door. They were disporting themselves amongst the squash vines earlier this evening, but otherwise are surprisingly quiet.
Did I mention that having a laundry tree is waaaay better than having a fancy energy saving dryer? I feel much more at home here. Not to mention sharing a meal with neighbors who bring raspberry brownies and sweet Southern grandmothers.
---------------------- has amazing Danish with marion berries. Everything is really fresh and delicious--the only think that would make it better would be stronger, more freshly roasted coffee. This bakery is an astonishing oaisis of wholesome cuteness on a strip that's dominated by fast food restaurants and liquor stores.
P. showed me The Science of Sleep last night, but I conked out before we could finish it. Really clever special effects, story a little scattershot, but sweet.
Got a bunch of biology to imbibe, especially the endocrine system, prior to a test on Tuesday. With so much else to do, it kind of galls me to spend my time at school, even when I know why I want to be there.