Dec 22, 2005 19:06
I've decieded to get some counseling. I need it. I'm not ok! I'm hidding all my tears and feelings, all i do is think of the situation and can't take it any more. I'm ready to give up. I keep praying to god, and i feel better, but the pain is still there. I keep waiting by the phone to get a phone call from him. Every time it rings i get butterfly's in my stomach, and well nothing. I guess he truely didn't love me, i mean, not even a call to see if i'm ok, or anything. I don't know how much longer i'm going to be ablet to take of this pain. I'm ready to rip out my heart and beat up. I'm ready to hit my head against the wall so i won't be thinking, i'm just fed up with everything, not to mention that i don't want to see any one happy, i want every one to suffer as i am, i'm just not strong enough. I'm trying to just focus my anger on exercising, but it doesn't work, as soon as i'm done, the problem is still there.
I honestly hope this counseling thing helps me.