Dec 18, 2006 19:54
Well the Landrin - Al Mousa confrontation ended as such. An apology given to Sami just so the matter would blow over and him taking advantage of my weakened state to be the control freak he is and look like the wise one in the situation. Thank goodness i could be the bigger woman and of that i am proud. unfortunately my rooter stopped working 10 minutes after it was installed so i need to return it. I haven't updated my LJ in awhile because of my lack of stable internet and lack of will to discuss the situation at home any longer. Now what's happening is my father is completely ignoring me most of the time and really treating me like a failure when he isn't. Now i don't blame him. My brebeuf drop-out is a huge mistake i've made and i had no excuse because i know i'm better than this. Reorganization starts now. Well it started last week as i started to learn to be more self sufficient and also since i've had lots of time on my own to notice that yes i have failed but that now the show must go on. I could go to haiti like my dad had thought could be an option (a very dangerous option given the rising insecurity in haiti) which i have decided not to do because fear isn't something i need to be living in and also it would be a another break which kills the idea of me wanting to move on. I could also move with my mom which would be nothing but another escape which is hardly the answer to my problems. I actually would do it if my brother and sister moved there because i miss living with family i can actually live with but somethings must just be put aside to grow. My CV soon completed i must go about searching for a job and i now have the information required to attend classes in january to achieve some sort of academic advancement during this fallback which i am having. so my curriculum for the next semester will be work and classes. As for shelter i'll be relying on my aunts generosity since it will make it easier for me to live and organize myself since i wont have to deal with much of the technical stuff. Besides i wont be living there to confront sami at every occasion nor will i be there to get along with anyone. Living there will be only so i can have a secure place to concentrate of the important stuff like getting my life back together before taking on the challenge of being completely independent.
I'm going to be going on vacation with my family in a couple days soon. I'm actually really looking forward to it even if my dad might just scorn at me the entire time but i miss the kids and it's christmas and it'll be the first christmas i spend with them since i move to canada 6 years ago. After Miami (which is where i'll be meeting my father and family) i'll be going to NY to meet my mom and spend new years. I feel weird not seeing friends during this time since they're ones i really see at this time of year. Masha is in israel and although i was quite freaked out before she left, i'm pretty confident that she is having an awesome time and will have loads to tell us when she is back. it's hard not to miss her so i do but not freaking out in the least bit. besides with her away and with everyone else busy with exams i've had time to rebuild myself and be more confident alone yet still knowing everyone is still alive.
On the aesthetic side of what'S going on which is really small since taking care of myself means basic hygiene and expensive facial care products, i've realized i've been just way too lazy is girl prep. It's weird when you sit and realize that it's not right for you to only look good after a trip to the salon so i've self taught myself some prep tricks to boost up self esteem and to save a few pennies since now i shall never need to step into a salon unless it's for a haircut since i really do not trust myself with scissors. I HAVE MASTERED THE BLOW DRYER AND BRUSH!!! take that frizzy cultural hair mix!
So basically plenty is going on... people i regret not seeing recently would be the DP crew (Jon, Pascale, Kris) but i will when the year turns.