Mar 31, 2008 07:31
Duty calls and it's a pretty early morning. I'm about to go stand on the showroom floor of my conference for the next 10 hours, good thing I brought comfy shoes. Anyway, about today's little thing...
A note left on the bed (or as I like to call it, Pillow Talk)
Now this may seem cheesy to some of you and it is, but there's nothing quite like it. It's easy, it's cheap, it only takes a couple of minutes. All you have to do is write a little note. Then leave it on your sweetie's pillow for them to find when they come home. This works best if you don't live together.
One day I left little Stick-It notes all over my boyfriends house and he thought it was so cute. So to return the favor, after spending a night at my house, I had to leave earlier than him. He has a key so I knew he could let himself out. When I had returned from work, ragged, tired, and pretty cranky, the first thing I did was go into my room to change clothes. I noticed a small slip of paper propped up on my bed. I won't go into the details of it, but it was a very sweet, heartfelt, 4 sentence note. To show how much that little thing meant, it still sits on top of a candle holder on my dresser. So these little things, while not particularly exciting, to lend themselves to being very sweet.
Have a Nice Day!