Title: The Perfect Day
Author: rahram
Rating: G
Wordcount: 564
Summary: Written for
Challenge 3 at
slip_it_in_j2. From the
Secret Life Verse. Don't really need to read to understand. All you need to know is that Jensen calls Jared "Casper" because he hacked into computers. - The rain ruins Jared's day.
Disclaimer: Couldn't afford them if I wanted them.
Jared sits out on the back porch, Noel sitting between his sprawled legs. He looks grumpily out at the soaked yard as the rain pelts down, making some water droplets jump back up from puddles around the yard. Jensen was going to teach him to golf today, but the weather didn’t seem to agree, so now he has decided to pout as the rain falls down around him.
“Can’t rain all the time,” Jensen says from the doorway as he watches Jared look out at the rain like a spoiled three year old.
“You’ve been watching Crow,” Jared replies, a small smile tilting upwards on his lips.
“Not for a few years,” Jensen replies, walking out barefoot from the house to sit beside of Jared. “Cheer up, Casper,” he says, his eyes directed to the yard, “It’ll be sunny and hot before you know it and you’ll be wishing for it to rain.”
“I know,” Jared replies, leaning his head over and resting it on Jensen’s shoulder, still glaring at the rain, “but I’m bored and I had my hopes up at playing golf today.”
“I’m sorry, Casper,” Jensen whispers, his hand coming up to run through Jared’s shaggy hair. They sit in silence for a few minutes, and then Jensen is standing. He doesn’t say anything; just stands and goes in the house, and Jared doesn’t call after him. He really doesn’t want to talk, he’d rather sulk.
Jared causally leans his head forward, twisting his neck to look up at the sky. It’s still dark, and Jared finally concedes defeat, knowing that it’s most likely going to rain all day. “Let’s go in, Noel,” he says to the pup that hasn’t left him since coming out.
“Come on, girl,” Jensen calls from the kitchen, and Jared sighs, even Jensen thinks it’s going to rain all day. Except the dog doesn’t go far, instead stopping when Jensen strolls off down the stairs and into the rain, carrying a putter and three golf balls.
Jared laughs as he watches the water soak through Jensen’s sleeveless, bright yellow shirt, and dark green board shorts. “You’re crazy,” he calls out to Jensen, watching as the shorter man drops a ball on the wet ground and putts it towards the fence, smiling to himself as he rebounds off the red oak slates and rolls back.
“Come on, Casper,” he yells out to make his voice louder than the rain. The rain tickles his skin where it beats down on his exposed arms, his whole body is soaked; water running down his face, and he’s still weary about lightning even if he hasn’t seen any, but when he turns around and sees Jared grinning, he counts it as a win.
Jared stands from the porch, running down into the yard in his bare feet, he slides across the grass, only managing not to fall because Jensen steps in his way and holds out his arms. Jared’s laughing, his face turned up into the rain with his eyes closed. He can hear Noel running around them yelping, and he can feel the heat and strength from Jensen where he holds him. “Maybe the rain’s not so bad,” he tells Jensen looking down at him. He inches closer and kisses Jensen’s jaw causing the older man to laugh, “Maybe today’s perfect,” he whispers over Jensen’s lips before claiming them again.