insane in the membrane

Jun 29, 2006 01:09

someone once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results" (or something like that).  It sounds reminiscent of faith, hope, and whatever else you may call it to try and put a positive propaganda spin on it.  Me, I'm a realist....

You can't half-ass life.  You have to go through doing whatever it is you do or try to do.  The only thing that holds this tiny veil over our eyes together is the fact that change is ever-present.  If you aren't choosing how it changes, it chooses for you.  I'm sick of letting something else be in control of my life.  I'm sick of being a slave to my emotions (emo if you will).  There will always be time for that one later.

"Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood"

meh... things in my life right now:
Fuck being emo.  I'm going to get right on and be a hedonist for a while.  (only in the respect that I'm going to do exactly what I want when I want to).  Without the piercings and weird quirks to set me apart from other people, I feel like this dating thing is just going to get a whole lot easier.  For some odd reason I also feel like I can be myself more and people won't be intimdated or think I'm a bitch anymore.... so i can speak my mind more.  My confidence levels have been booming lately and I've been having a lot more fun.

I started playing D&D!!!!!!!!
that's right... your favorite dork just picked up the dorkiest hobby ever... which gives her uber dorky status that trumps yours.  (or at least some people's).  IT"S SOOOO MUCH FUN!

I'm still having to get a job and all that jazz, so hopefully I'll get hired as a delivery driver... that would be fun.

bitches and biscuits....
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