Fiber fun

Aug 10, 2009 09:20

As many of you know I am a knitter. No big deal. It's something I do for fun.
My poor hubby doesn't really get it though.
He took me to the countries largest yarn store.     I bought yarn.
I also bought yarn through the mail just before we left on that vacation.

I have 3 projects on the needles. Only one of which I am working on.
And I am going out with friends on Thursday to.... buy more yarn.

Hubby doesn't complain. He gives me this odd look and says nothing.

Hubby really isn't big on toys. He has a couple of things. He likes tools.
He keeps them all neat in the garage for when he might need them. And
he does use them from time to time.

He just does not understand these boxes and bags of yarn.

Maybe I'll buy yarn to make him something.  Wait I did that. 
No, just more yarn for me!  Hehehe

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