
Jan 16, 2014 16:05

originally posted from kprompts
(been meaning to do this)

dance, sanghyuk/hakyeon, r-ish
prompt: (blindfold fetish) hyuk likes when his lover can't see him

To Sanghyuk, the highlight of the showcase- in every showcase of the Milky Way tour- is Hakyeon's solo dance. He loves how the older male strides on center stage, feet bare and steps slow and leisure and seductive. Hakyeon's adorned in black and the colour blends in with the dim crimson red lights shadowing overhead, hazing his figure until one can only see the outlines of red against his bare skin.

He's beautiful when he dances. Sanghyuk's impression of Hakyeon at that moment is one of a feline- his steps light and his body lithe and flexing in ways he finds similar when they're alone in bed.

But the most notable thing about the entire performance is the fact that Hakyeon is blindfolded and that one piece of cloth brings sensuality into the mix.

Due to this, Sanghyuk wants nothing more than to take the male then and there.

When the show's done, there's a few minutes intermission until the next performance- perfect opportunity for him to head over to the person stepping backstage, face flushed and a light sheen of sweat peeking beneath dark bangs. The fans continue to chant and scream, awaiting their next appearance with anticipation and bated breath. Better make this quick then.

Sanghyuk grabs hold onto Hakyeon's wrist just as he's about to untie the knot located just above his neck and pulls him without another thought. Hakyeon lets out a noise of surprise but he doesn't protest nor does he struggles from his grasp. Sanghyuk thinks Hakyeon knows who’s the person dragging him. The older male always did have the uncanny knack of telling who's around him; living together in the same dorm for over a year gave him that much experience.

His first intention is to take the leader into the restroom; however, that is soon dashed off when he hears a casual conversation echoing from there and it sounds like it’ll be a while before the room clears out. He stops for a second to stretch his fingers further around Hakyeon's wrist and takes refuge within the confinements of a small closet half filled with discarded outfits.

Once the door closes behind them, he flicks the lights on and pushes Hakyeon against the wall, his hand resting on the surface just above the male's shoulder. While the older male is blindfolded, he can tell that he's being scrutinized through it. The cloth is semi-transparent, allowing Hakyeon to capture a shadowed view of his surroundings and what the male sees right now is something he rather appreciates.

Sanghyuk is staring at him through dark eyes- something akin to a predator looking forward to his meal.

What surprises him, actually, is when the lips of the younger male quirks up in a mischievous manner and the next thing he knows, his eyes meet with nothing but darkness. There's a heavy feeling over them and when he raises a hand to check what it is, Sanghyuk stops him, murmuring "We've got five minutes so we'd better be quick." His attention is soon diverted to the pair of warm lips pressing possessively against his own.

Mind momentarily blanked, Hakyeon is unable to stop the soft moan erupting from his throat as he slings an arm around Sanghyuk, pulling him closer for a deeper, more passionate kiss. It's really a disadvantage for him to be completely unable to see; he knows Sanghyuk's there in front of him but at the same time, his predictability reaches zero, meaning he doesn't know what to expect from him. The taller relents to his wishes and minimizes whatever space is left between them, but not before he pushes a palm against his lover's crotch, swallowing down the loud pleasing groan he got in response.

The back of Sanghyuk's mind keeps reminding him that time is wasting and soon, they will have to head out on stage once more. The last thing he wants is to endure a hard on for the next couple of hours until they reach back to the hotel. He knows Hakyeon feels the same.

Removing his hand from his lover's crotch (much to the male's dismay), Sanghyuk then places it around the back of the short male's thigh and raises it up by his hip, giving him enough leverage to grind his hips hard. Hakyeon gasps and desperately grabs onto the back of Sanghyuk's shirt, his nails digging through the material and right into the skin. The younger male doesn't mind it; the tingling sensation simply urges him to repeat his moves, to drink in the sight of Hakyeon being undone.

"S-Sang-" Hakyeon stutters into another gasp before he wedges his lower lip between his teeth to stop himself from moaning. "I w-want-"

"No." Sanghyuk immediately denies, his head tilting toward the older male's neck to run a leisure tongue against the Adam's apple up the jaw line. He knows what Hakyeon wants- he wants the blindfold off so that he can see properly. Sanghyuk doesn't want to because he loves how the blindfold looks on Hakyeon. It makes him helpless, more vulnerable, and absolutely delectable.

Perhaps it’s stress or pent up frustration- whatever it is, it doesn’t take long for the older male to reach his peak, with Sanghyuk following not too far behind. To be honest, Sanghyuk is both relieved and disappointed; five minutes is much too short but at least they’ll be out on time, if not just a smidge late.

His eyes suddenly grow wide with shock. “Oh god.”

Hakyeon, who’s been catching his breath with his head tilt back, gazes upon Sanghyuk in mild puzzlement. “What-“ he doesn’t finish because much sooner than expected, the tall male forcibly drags him out, heading toward the direction of the dressing room. “What’s wrong?” he manages, tripping over his foot from the pull and gaining his momentum back a few seconds afterwards, much to his relief.

“We have to change, hyung!” And there’s no damn way he’s getting on stage with a noticeable stain between his legs. No way.

it's artwork tv, sanghyuk/hakyeon/hongbin, pg
prompt: hyuk and hongbin dominate their leader

Hakyeon knew it was going downhill the moment Jaehwan sharply slapped the name plaque off his mircrophone and sent it flying toward the floor a few feet away. He knew Hongbin, who had been sitting quietly on Jaehwan's opposite end, would instantly react by trying to make the grab at it like a starving predator launching at his vulnerable prey. And he knew Sanghyuk, the group's adorable maknae who sat next to him, would wrap his arms around him, trapping him from escape with a mischievous smile spreading across his lips.

He knew. And yet, he didn't fought as hard as he originally anticipated.

Therefore, he was in a bind. There he was, attempting to swivel his head around with eyes clenched shut and lips pressed tight as Hongbin tapped his lips with the head of the microphone. He and Sanghyuk were laughing in mirth. (Jaehwan ran off somewhere without notice; Hakyeon cursed the male for putting him in such a position).

"Na, hyung~ you know it's Artwork TV now, right?"

"Mm mm!" Hakyeon denied of that, vigorously shaking his head. Where was Wonshik when he needed him? The male was the other half to his hosting so surely, he would've helped him out of this bind.

"You should put more force into it!" Sanghyuk spoke up, his eyes lighting up like a child in Christmas time. This set the leader off. "Hyuk, you-"

The microphone was tapped against his lips once more and he caught the laugh of mirth that erupted from Hongbin. "Aw, hyung, don't be like that~" he teased, leaning closer to the older male. "You know we love you, right?"

"If you love me, you'd let me go." Hakyeon grounded out against the dark afro head, his lips reddening due to the pressure of it.

"Where's the fun in that? Besides, hyung..." Sanghyuk leaned down close to Hakyeon's ear, away from the camera to whisper, "you look good enough for us to eat, being bounded like this."

Maybe it was Sanghyuk's words or maybe it was his warm breath ghosting the rim of his ear (or both, even), but Hakyeon shivered from it, his body growing tense and his eyes darting up to the male smiling before him. There was something about that smile that didn't sit well with him.

Hongbin soon noticed the camera edging closer and raised the microphone to his lips, a hand in mid-air. "Seems like our guest is getting tired from all the fun but I supposed that's to be expected, with his age and all." Hakyeon's cheeks automatically puffed out by the remark. "So, we'll continue Artwork TV next time. See you!"

"See you!" Sanghyuk imitated, sending the camera a cute smile over the leader's head.

Hakyeon thought that since the cameraman was gone, the two pranksters would let him go and he would reprimand them for treating him in a rude manner; however, Sanghyuk's grip simply tightened on him and Hongbin's smile grew wider.

"So, where were we?"

in paris (not really), hongbin/hakyeon, g
prompt: european tourists

"So this is how it feels like to tour across Paris. It's just like how I imagined."


"Hey, Hongbinnie, do you think we can buy all those infamous sweets they have? And those pastries and baguettes? I bet they're really good!"


"And what about those attractions like the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame Cathedral! Lots of people go there and I hear they're really a sight to behold! The Versailles Palace too! There's another one I remember. What was it? Sacre-Coweeer?"

"It's Sacre-Couer. Geez, hyung."

"Yes, that. Wow, I didn't know you could pronounce it so well, Hongbinnie."

"Thanks. And it's your tongue that's the problem. It's getting clumsy."

"Hongbinnie's being mean with me today. Do you have something against me? And don't even think you'll get away with that dimpled smile!"

"But I'm smiling because I love you. And you keep insisting that we are in Paris."

"We are, aren't we?"

"Yeah, the Paris-based town in South Korea."

"Don't ruin it for me! Look, I even brought a town map and a camera!"

"That map was hand drawn by Ken hyung and that camera belongs to me. You knew as well as I do."

"You party pooper."

"Please hyung, don't pout at me. It's weird."

"Neck chop!"

"Ahh! No, don't!"

"You're laughing!"

"I'm not! Stop!"

( silence, save for a breathy chuckle )

"Party pooper."

"You said that already."

"Aish, nevermind. Let's just go."

"Go where?"

"I want to see cherry blossoms in Tokyo."

"Tokyo Town, it is."

pairing: hyuk/n/hongbin, pairing: hongbin/n, fandom: vixx, pairing: hyuk/n

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