
Nov 10, 2013 12:47

7 drabbles
pairing: taekwoon/hakyeon
rated: g - pg13
for leo's birthday. happy birthday n_n

u-kiss: obsession
school au

Perhaps, just maybe, Hakyeon may have overdone it.

Throughout his high school years, from the moment his eyes laid upon the figure seated approximately two rows ahead and five seats away, Hakyeon couldn't help but wanted to know more about that person. The male was tall, pale-skinned with a wave of dark hair but there was none more intriguing than those pair of dark, slant eyes coming his way that one time he was looking around. From then on, he took the trouble of scouring for every piece of information he could gather and as the days, months, years passed, he knew much (so so much) about Jung Taekwoon.

That was the start of his obession.


kis-my-ft2: smile

These days, Taekwoon can hardly ever see the smile form on Hakyeon's lips. It's probably stress- there are no breaks in their schedules and it's no doubt hectic to maintain it; however, no matter what the situation, Hakyeon never fails to smile encouragingly to the rest of the members. It's like a beacon of light, a ray of hope, something that Taekwoon feels he should keep from falling.

Around the late evening, when everyone but Hakyeon are too tired to stay awake and decides to sleep in early, Taekwoon decides to head over to the leader in the living room. The male's checking his twitter through his phone.

Upon noticing the younger male's arrival, Hakyeon shifts his gaze out of curiosity but doesn't say a word when he takes a seat beside him. Taekwoon, after some time and hesitance, gives him a smile. It's small and shy but it's more than enough for Hakyeon to smile back at him, genuine and warm.


dbsk: humanoids
futuristic au

Taekwoon was a humanoid- one of the more advance models ever created with the latest technology built into him. The first time Hakyeon met Taekwoon was when his father brought him in, telling him that Taekwoon was his to have. At first, he didn't understand, because Taekwoon was a real person and slavery was pretty much non-existent.

But once he took a good look at the being before him, he then realized that Taekwoon was /not/ human. Now that was something he didn't expect. His father casually mentioned it once about them during dinner a few nights before but he didn't think he would have the chance of...well, owning one? He didn't want to call it 'owning'- he didn't like being a master to something that resembled a human.

Heck, he didn't even own pets.

'Take care of him and show him around. He's to be your friend.' his father said, patting Hakyeon on the back and leaving to tend other matters. Hakyeon cast a glance to the older man before returning to the male before him. Taekwoon was staring at him with a look of indifference.

Hakyeon attempted a smile to lighten the mood. There was something he likes about him, despite the expression he received in return. 'Taekwoon, my name is Hakyeon. Nice to meet you.'


ss501: because i'm stupid

'Take me back. Please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.' Taekwoon hunches further down, his tears streaming down his face and his hands clasping tightly together. He doesn't look up- doesn't want to because if he does, he'll break down even more. He regretted the moment he broke up with hakyeon, feeding him lies that he doesn't mean, simply because Hakyeon deserves better than someone like him.

He wish he hadn't left, so he wouldn't have to see the older male beg and sob and cling onto him, questioning /why, Taekwoon? what have I done? Tell me, I'll fix it! Just don't leave me!/

He slowly blinks up to the person lying comatose within the confinements of a small white room, long drawn curtains, and a heart monitor beeping steadily next to the bed. Two days after the break up, Hakyeon attempted at his life with nothing more than a few swipes of a kitchen knife. If it wasn't for Wonshik, who dropped by for a visit at the time, Hakyeon would've been successful.

But in the end, he lost more blood than anticipated and his type is a rare one so there's a small chance of someone matching him. Not to mention that there's a waiting list, which drags the chance of being cured longer. Parents are out overseas and siblings doesn't match his; Taekwoon feels his hope is about to crack.


park jungmin: tonight's the night

His eyes roam up over long limbs and an expanse of naked flesh cast against the moonlight as if the main attraction is right there. He licks his lips slowly, with anticipation, and by the time his eyes catches the pinkish hue gracing the other male's cheeks- shy, hesitant, wanting- he leans forward to run a warm tongue over a perky nipple, pleased to hear a breathy moan of his name and a gentle hand running through his hair as a response.



big bang: beautiful hangover

Hakyeon wakes up to a seemingly spinning ceiling fan and a throbbing headache. When he blinks several times, he finds that the fan isn't really spinning and he's lying on his bed, the comforter catching his lower half and the rest- the majority of it- to the side of him.

He turns slowly, groggily, and that's when he finds a tuff of dark hair peeking out of the comforter.

A pause.

Oh. For some reason, he isn't surprised but this is the first time someone stayed through the morning (or is it the afternoon? he doesn't bother checking yet).

A few minutes later, the tuft of hair shifts and soon comes out a drowsy pale face. The other male blinks sleepily at him and doesn't say a word.

Hakyeon doesn't know what to say himself. All he has up to this point are blurry images of last night and that one drink being offered to him. 'Morning...who are you?'


from this picture: right here

Right when the clock strikes twelve, Hakyeon shoves the phone into his pocket and pushes himself off the bed, eager to see his lover rooming next door, despite the fact that he had seen him not even half an hour ago. Today's a special day, after all, and he wishes to be the first to greet Taekwoon with his entire being.

Unfortunately for him, Jaehwan- being the perceptive one- seems to catch his intentions, decides to follow him shortly after he leaves the room. Hakyeon turns to face him with a scrunched look and waves a him, 'no, let me go first!' Jaehwan merely points an accusative finger at him in return. 'but i want to follow!'

Hakyeon gives up; he doesn't want to waste any more time because of the younger male and literally runs into through Taekwoon's door. The moment he sees said male lying on the bed, eyes closed and body lax, is when he jumps him for a tight hug. Taekwoon lets out a breathless 'oof' but surprisingly, he doesn't push Hakyeon away. Jaewhan's not too far behind; he jumps over Hakyeon's body and wraps his arms around the two older members with a 'I'm here, I'm here~' Hakyeon's only glad he doesn't say 'happy birthday' yet.

He lifts his head up and catches Taekwoon blinking hooded eyes at him, his eyebrows furrowing together in a mild frown. "Hakyeon..." he murmured through the corner of his lips. Hakyeon grins at him and leans forward to whisper into his ear, 'happy birthday, Taekwoon ah. Be ready for the biggest celebration of your life.' he then presses a soft kiss to his cheek before adding playfully, 'with me being the center stage of your gifts, of course~'

'I can hear you, you know!' Jaehwan suddenly pipes, his voice muffled against Hakyeon's sweater. 'Please refrain yourselves and keep it pg...oh, and happy birthday, Taekwoon hyung!'

Posted via m.livejournal.com.
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