Sep 12, 2007 10:28
I dreamed that I was in school and I had missed the day before and now I had forgot my textbook. Mel sat next to me in class. The teacher was gone and it was the principal or something substituting and he was this very serious kind of scary man. He did not seem quite sure where we were supposed to be on things but said we could have a little bit of time to finish reading these short stories from the assignment the day before. I thought maybe I could just read a regular book instead but Mel asked what would I do about the quiz? She finished reading in just a few minutes and then loaned me her textbook.
The first story was called the Red Ribbon, the second was the River, and I forget what the third was. They were only a couple of pages each. I turned to the Red Ribbon on page 220 and it started out being about this tired single mother with daughters and how she was losing her patience and frustrated and yelled at them a little. Then she was alone in the kitchen and listening to how the sounds of animals gets louder at dusk, like they’re hurrying to fill up what’s left of the day with sound. She went outside and then she felt very weird and she went sort of insubstantial and got drawn up, across the landscape and toward the sun. She was drawn up into the sun but it wasn’t a ball of fire out in space, it was this orb of fiery spirits of people and animals and things, like she had become. She joined the orb as it started sinking lower and lower and moving towards the horizon and all the spirits of the sun were calling to the animals below, singing to them to go home and sleep. She’d thought it was the animal’s calls that got louder but really it was the singing of the sun as it got closer to earth and warned the animals gently of nightfall. As the sun got close to what was the horizon from her view at home she was released, along with some other spirits, and they all drifted back home.
There were illustrations or moving pictures in my mind or something, all soft edged and golden like watercolor or something. I kind of drifted awake and never got to read the other two stories, and this one being titled the Red Ribbon did not make any sense at all.