humans as canvas, moving to music, film overlaying

Jul 20, 2008 14:51

I remembered I hadn't posted on here... but I will be playing a rather neato show (well, I'm doing more than just playing, I'm essentially making the fucker happening, booking the bands, getting the humans, etc)

on August 21st at the Fez Ballroom.

It's called the Human Canvas Project, and my portion of it will consist of me playing music in a Wizard of Oz style (meaning man behind the curtain, albeit with the curtain being semi see through and lights providing shadow movement) while many nude/semi nude humans painted white have video projected onto them.

So yeah, not your usual show thing... but something kind of special.

Sounds like we'll have good press, good show and so forth, but I'd like to see some of you, those who I consider good folks there. We're pricing it at an affordable 7$.

It's not for awhile, but y'know... advance warning and all...

Check out the flier and more info (we'll also have some ambient, idm/breakbeat and dubstep music going on for the dancers in the house!) located at: (right on the front page for easy perusal!)
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