little brother by cory doctorow

May 22, 2008 10:49


you can download this book, for free, here.

i've been hearing about this book everywhere. *everywhere*. turns out, this is because the book is made of awesome. i picked it up because it sounded like a hackers approach to homeland security, which, it is. it barely classifies as science fiction.

i read the fist chapter in small fits while i was waiting at appointments and what-not, a sentence here, paragraph here. i was actually annoyed that i didn't have to wait long, cuz i wanted to read it. then i got home, and disappeared till it was finished. it was one of those read till the book is done, no matter what stupid time that lets you sleep. it was that good.

if you like freedom, read it. if you like computers, read it. if you like ridiculously spicy food, read it. if you want to know what in tarnation is wrong with todays youth, read it. just read it. and if you like it, buy a real copy, cuz its pretty and the author deserves his share of royalties.
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