The third and final installment of the photographs from the 7/12/08 meetup. All of this took place at the library. I do not recall the name of the library or the location, but I'm certain if anyone really wants to know our lovely hostess for that day could fill that in.
Lady Margarette was ascending the steps that night (cause everything's cooler at night). She had just learned that she was pregnant by her lover and needed to calm her nerves. And for some reason going to the library at night is perfect for that.
She thought she heard a noise and felt that someone was following her! (now lets all note how her lantern isn't actually lit, which kind of defeats the purpose of carrying one, doesn't it?)
What she hadn't realized was that her devious gentleman lover was following her and knew her secret!
And while she was nervously looking around he crept up behind her and pushed her down the stairs!
He approached his beloved to make certain that she was, indeed, quite dead. There was no doubt of that.
However! His crime had not gone completely unnoticed as another young lady heard the commotion and peered over the balcony above the steps to see what had happened.
She immediately knelt down but continued to watch as silently as she could (what she should have done was throw that lantern on his head! -- then again why is she carrying another lantern that doesn't work? Why we may never know!)
Yet what she did not realize was that our devious gentleman had a twin brother who was in on the murder! And he had been lurking on the balcony the whole time behind our witness!
And just as she had leaned away from the railing.. pondering what to do next...
He snuck up behind her.
She realized something was wrong...
But it was too late.
She really should have smacked him with that lantern. That shit's heavy! However that is where our story ends (or begins!) for now!
And I had FAR too much fun writing that. As lame as it was.