Minnesota Day Uno

Mar 03, 2008 23:23

Well....it's 10 degrees outside...and it feels every single bit of it. It's been a really long day and I am beyond ehausted, but while I'm up, I thought I might as well update on how the day has gone....

Got up this morning insanely early...I had to be at the airport at 4:30 which was awful but suprisingly it wasn't that hard for me to get moving.  We flew from Pensacola to Memphis and after a short stay in the lovely state of Tennessee we headed to Minnesota. It was sooo pretty flying over all the snow covered land. You could even see the frozen lakes when we started our desent to land...absolutely gorgeous. It didn't snow today, but there is snow everywhere! There are big piles of it along the interstate that are all yucky and brown...I touched some at the airport...but it wasn't fluffy...it was...really just hard and crunchy...i'm hopeful that it will snow before we leave though. We had meetings most of the afternoon at the plant so we had to stay later than I'd hoped working on inventory, but we managed to get a good bit done, which means less work for tomorrow. My favoritest cousin in the world me me and Brady for dinner. It was so good to see her. She is my "person" and the only one who ever really knows what's going on with me. I would be so lost without her....anyhow...we headed to the Mall of America for dinner. Let me just say...AMAZING. It is beyond huge!!  We didnt have too much time to run around because we were starving and parked totally across from where we needed to be, but i could not believe all the stores...there are 4 stories.....that is insane.  We ate dinner at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, which was really really cute and very delicious. (oh and free...I love travel)  Afterwards we had just enough time for me to take a few pictures (from my camera phone...boo for breaking your camera) and to run in a few stores on the way to the car. We will certainly be going back before we leave, me and Brady wanna ride the roller coasters for sure!! When we got back Brady managed to misplace the keys somewhere resulting in the most time I've spent outside in this insane coldness....luckily after about 15 minutes we found them lodged behind the back seat (yeah no idea how that happened). That was almost an hour ago....and I still feel the pain in my toes. Note to self, if I ever get stranded on a mountain somewhere, you can just go ahead and count me dead because I am certainly not cut out for teen tempatures, much less negaitve temps....which is what the temps will be when i go to ND on Wednesday...ahhh!!

My hotel room is really really sweet. It's like my own little apartment...so cute. And the people at the hotel are so friendly. They've called me twice just to be sure I didnt need anything. I will say...outside of the hotel you can totally notice the north/south difference. No one here has been rude to me, but the whole additude is different. It's not bad...just different. and PS i totally look jamican compared to people here...I guess fake and bake tanning hasn't caught on here...

Well i'm about to call it a night...hopefully tommorrow I can get some good pictures....and some snow...

~Good Night

PSS: So I packed 2 bags....the over limit weight is 50 lbs...I had one that was 47 and one that was 30...and yet...i still managed to forget  one of my extra warm undershirts......sad.
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