Mice...nature's motivation tool

Feb 05, 2008 22:24

I don't think there are many times in my life where I really have longed to be married. Tonight, however I have never wanted a spouse so badly in all my 24 (almost 25) years of existence.

It all started Saturday afternoon. That morning me & the girls had gotten up early an ran in the Double Bridge Run. I was absolutely exhausted when I came home and after lunch I came home and immediately fell asleep....About 2 o'clock Whitney started blowing my phone up. Since I was sleeping, I promptly silenced the call....but when I heard my phone's text message sound go off twice within seconds I got worried and with half conscious effort retrieved my phone. She had dreadful news. She had seen a mouse. In our garage. IN THE HOUSE THAT WE LIVE.

Now there are lots of things in life I just don't do. I don't do ponchos, sweatpants or scrunchies.  I don't do any sort of drain or pipe declogging or stopping. I don't clean the disposal out and I certainly DO NOT do mice. 
So I did the only thing I knew to do. I called my Dad

Since I have dogs (nosy dogs at that) he advised against putting down some sort of poison or snap trap as they might wind up getting in it some how. He said they made these glue traps that didn't even kill the mice & that those would be perfect. SOO Sunday I went to walmart and got some of these things. They're goof proof all you have to do is set it down and wait.

So wait is what I did.

Today when I came home from work I found my first very unhappy victim. I immediately became your typical girl. First. I screamed. And then I felt really sad for the mouse (he really was sorta cute) and then I became panicked again and wanted it out of my house immediately. This is where the desire for a spouse came in. I really wish I had a husband around to do some of the manly duties around here....you know like...mow the grass, take out the trash..pick up live mice...you know the usual stuff. I called pretty much every man I've ever talked to. My dad was at a softball game, my step-dad was in a meeting, Eric was asleep...the list goes on...they all said they could do it. But it would be later. I don't do later...not when it comes to mice,in glue, in my garage. So...I did the only thing I knew to do...I scooped the whole mouse/glue combo up with a shovel and ran as fast as I could for the trash.  You know that game when you were little that you used to play at field day where you have a spoon and they give you an egg and you have to go from point A to B as quickly as you can without dropping it? Well it was kinda like that...only much faster and with a lot more pressure not to drop!  I'm not one who is typically coordinated in the least but I must say I was pretty proud at my speed and skill.

This whole little mouse incident totally motivated me to clean my garage. I'm pretty sure my garage could be on the home and garden channel for its new found organization. Thanks to the mouse i have NOTHING sitting on the ground and got rid of a lot of junk....

I just hope it's one mouse..and not mice...I will never be able to look at Mickey in the same way...

In much brighter news Bayleigh seem to have totally recovered from her 24 hour bug. Per the vet she probably ate something she wasn't supposed to and it made her stomach hurt. I had no idea dogs even had stomach aches!! She was the most pitiful site ever yesterday but as I'm writing she is chewing on Kingsleys tail through her crate...so seems to be back to her old self :)

I suppose I should get a shower and call it a night...I smell like burnt cappuccino again from the tanning bed. Ew.


"A girl is a person who screams at the mouse, but smiles at the wolf"
~someone else

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