Train-of-Thought Fic - Test of Faith (Criminal Minds)

Jun 20, 2009 14:05

AU from mine and Hakura's storyline. I... really don't know where Morgan came into this, lol.

It's not as if they don't notice, but they don't make it known. It isn't obvious, because they don't want it to be - know it might make things considerably worse, given the circumstances and the people involved. And as long as nothing goes wrong... well, they're both for the better with it.

At any rate, when Hotchner returns from six months at a field office in Illinois, without any warning, just suddenly there... no one's particularly surprised when Spencer freezes up, stares. They're less surprised when his first actual action is to nearly stumble to him, wind his arms around him and hold, tight, hiding his expression against Aaron's lapels. Mouths, "I thought you weren't allowed back yet," low enough that Hotch is the only one who can hear.

They're right in the middle of the office, but neither of them seems to notice that, at least not at first, too involved in one another, in the distance and time that had been between them.

"Adorable," Morgan decides, mostly sarcastic, announcing it loud enough for them to hear.

He grins when Reid turns bright red and steps away. He won't admit it's a little good to see that while Spencer lets go, Hotch doesn't.

So he's a little protective. With Reid, Morgan had found, you kind of had to be.

spencer reid, derek morgan, aaron hotchner, criminal minds, short!fic

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